Region Area


Gareth Compton

Gareth Compton


Practises exclusively in personal injury law, including all aspects of industrial disease work. Recent cases have included those arising from mesothelioma, noise-induced deafness, occupational asthma and VWF; involved in all aspects of a case from the drafting of an initial advice, interlocutory applications, round table conferences and final hearings; particular interest in the Limitation Act, which is so often a central issue in cases of industrial disease and is a subject upon which he has presented seminars; undertakes work on the basis of CFAs; practices all areas of PI work, particularly road traffic accidents, accidents at work, tripping and slipping cases, occupiers’ liability and CICA; acts for both claimants and defendants.


Called 1997.


Personal Injuries Bar Association; Professional Negligence Bar Association.


King’s College, Cambridge (MA Cantab); CPE City University, London; Inns of Court School of Law.