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Ben McCormack

Work Department

Community care and mental health, Court of Protection, Discrimination, Housing, Inquests and public inquiries, Public law (judicial review)


Ben has extensive experience in dealing with mental capacity cases in the Court of Protection. Ben mainly acts for disabled adults and their family members in a wide range of cases, from health and welfare applications and cases involving DOLS, to enduring powers of attorney and property and financial cases. He is regularly instructed by the Official Solicitor. He also acts in guardianship/nearest relative displacement proceedings, and in cases brought under the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court to protect vulnerable adults. Ben also has many years experience of acting in civil proceedings where mental capacity issues arise.


Court of Protection Practitioners Association; North West Housing Law Practitioners Group; and Northern Administrative Lawyers Association.


Ben McCormack has been a lawyer for over 20 years, specialising in mental capacity, public law and housing cases. He started out as a solicitor in a small firm on an estate on the outskirts of Manchester, before becoming a barrister at Garden Court North Chambers in 2005. Ben became Deputy Head of Chambers in March 2023.


LLB (Hons) Manchester


Northern Circuit • Regional Bar

Court of Protection and community care

Ben McCormack – Garden Court North Chambers 'His style is incredibly engaging, focused and with an emphasis on the human issues in a case. He is very effective cross examiner and his client care is second to none.'