Daniel Swan > Chambers of Deni Mathews > Plymouth, England > Barrister Profile

Chambers of Deni Mathews
KBG Chambers

Work Department

Family Law


Daniel maintains a full public law practice.  

Daniel regularly acts in finding of fact hearings in matters of non-accidental injury and sexual abuse.

Recent cases include:

Re: S & P – Instructed on behalf of a father in care proceedings issued following the death of a child.

Re: S and others – Instructed by a local authority to obtain injunctions under the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court against seven males to protect a teenage girl from child sexual exploitation. Injunctions obtained. 

Re: C&P – Instructed by the children’s guardian to represent a a young baby who presented, at 7 weeks old, with 30 fractures. 2 week fimding of fact hearing.

Re: K & J – Represented a father in a 10 day finding of fact hearing in respect of two young children that concerned the injestion of subutex by a one year old and the exposure of both children to a number of illicit substances.  Issues included the reliability of hair strand testing and the correct procedure for collection, storage and analysis.  

Re: O – Represented a mother through the official solicitor in a 10 day finding of fact hearing in respect of  allegations of sexual and physical abuse.  None of the findings sought by the local authority against the mother were made.

Re: W – Application before Baker J in respect of an application to discharge a father with parental responsibility as a party to care proceedings.

Re: W – Representated a local authority at final hearing in fraught and complex proceedings.  Instructed at very short notice due to the matter being returned from leading counsel.  

Re: C – Sucessfully persuaded the court, against its initial determination, that it did infact have jurisdiction in respect of a child habitually resident outside of the EU.  

Re: W – Represented a father accused of causing injuries to his three month old baby.

Re: S – Representated a local authority in a case where the mother was accused of causing injuries to her child by shaking him.

Re: V – Representated an intervenor in a complex fact finding hearing concerning multiple serious injuries to a baby.  Intervenor removed from the pool at pre-trial stage.


Called to The Bar 2012

Lawyer Rankings

Regional Bar > Western Circuit > Family: children and domestic abuse

(Leading Juniors)Ranked: Tier 2

Daniel SwanKBG Chambers ‘Daniel is an exceptionally compelling advocate and is always well-prepared. He is calm in every situation and delivers skilled cross-examination of even the most challenging witnesses.’

KBG Chambers  is a ‘strong set of skilled and pragmatic family barristers’ offering advice on the full range of family and children law matters. Charlotte Ash is ‘a safe pair of hands with impressive knowledge of the law and professionalism’ who handles both public and private law cases. The ‘skilful and robust’ William Higginson, and ‘expert cross-examiner’ Daniel Swan, specialise in public law children work, representing local authorities, parents, and guardians in fact-finding hearings and care proceedings.