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Charlotte Ash

Charlotte Ash

KBG Chambers, South West

Work Department

Family Law


Charlotte has a range of experience in relation to both privateand public law family matters including child arrangement disputes, financialremedy proceedings, care proceedings and disputes under the Family Law Act.

Charlotte has a particular interest in financial remedy disputesand regularly represents clients across at all stages of financial remedyproceedings including applications for variation, enforcement and interimrelief. 

Family Finance

Charlotte has undertaken a wide variety of financialdisputes being instructed for both the FDR and final hearing, including a rangeof more unusual or complex matters involving:

·       Inheritance disputes;

·       A party failing to provide financial disclosure;

·       farming;

·       Applications for maintenance pending suit;

Care & Adoption

Charlotte is regularly instructed in a range of private law family matters involving multifaceted and difficult issues including allegations of domestic abuse, allegations of sexual abuse by a parent, FII, contested fact finding hearings, parental alienation, instructions of a Rule 16.4 Guardian and instructions of experts.

DOLS Care Proceedings

Charlotte has undertaken a number of High Court DOLS applications including ex-parte applications.

Domestic Violence and Injunctions

Charlotte is regularly instructed on a range of non-molestation and occupation orders for both applicant and respondent.

Private Law Children

Charlotte is regularly instructed in a range of private law family matters involving multifaceted and difficult issues including allegations of domestic abuse, allegations of sexual abuse by a parent, FII, contested fact finding hearings, parent alienation, instructions of a Rule 16.4 Guardian and instructions of experts.


Western Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior2
Charlotte Ash – KBG Chambers ‘Charlotte is very well prepared and knows her case and her law. She is formidable when required and has great empathy and understanding when representing parents who are in very difficult circumstances.’