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Rawdon Crozier

Rawdon Crozier

KBG Chambers, South West

Work Department

Property Law


Rawdon acts in a wide variety of property-related cases and represents clients in the Courts, Lands Tribunal, in Land Registry adjudications and also on mediations. His familiarity with other specialist areas of law, such as professional negligence and trusts of land and experience of ancillary relief, are of particular use in a field in which overlaps with those disciplines are common.

Specific areas of expertise

Sale of land Boundaries, easements and rights of way Claims for Possession Restrictive Covenants Adverse Possession Torts affecting land Proprietary estoppel

Rawdon appears for and advises both landlords and tenants in cases involving residential, business and agricultural/farm business tenancies and has been involved in some of the leading cases on leasehold holiday homes and service charges.

Specific areas of expertise

Leasehold holiday homes Service Charges Construction of Leases Leasehold enfranchisement and/lease extensions Claims for breach of covenant and derogation from grant Claims for Possession Catering concessions - Lease/Licence Estoppels giving rise to security of tenure


Western Circuit • Regional Bar

Property and construction

Rawdon Crozier – KBG Chambers ‘Rawdon has an encyclopedic knowledge of all things property. He is a good advocate and has great client care skills. Rawdon is always able to identify the most practical solution.'