Goldsmith Chambers
Anthony Metzer KC
- Email[email protected]
Immigration, Crime, Civil, Actions Against the Police (Claimants), Administrative Law and Human Rights, and Inquests and Inquiries
Anthony Metzer KC is a highly regarded silk known for his committed and forensically-detailed approach to his practice. He specialises in crime; immigration; Claimant civil actions against the police and other civil work including defamation and inquests. Anthony has been appointed as a Deputy High Court Judge for England and Wales and sits in the Administrative Court hearing Judicial Review applications and in the Upper Tier Tribunal of the Immigration and Asylum Tribunal having previously sat as a First Tier Judge in the IAT since 2002. He has also been appointed to the War Pensions and Armed Forces Tribunal as a First Tier Judge.
Anthony’s growing reputation as leading Counsel in Immigration cases is reflected in the landmark case of Secretary of State for the Home Department v Banger – C-89/17; [2019] UKUT 00194(IAC). The CJEU found, for the first time, that the Surinder Singh rationale applies to the unmarried partner of a British national. In this case the Court found that Article 21 TFEU applies to extended family members by analogy. The Court found that a refusal of a residence card must follow as a result of an extensive examination of the applicant’s personal circumstances and must be justified by reasons. Finally, on the issue of appeal rights, the Court determined that the redress procedure must enable a full assessment of the facts and involve an extensive examination of the applicant’s personal circumstances. The case before the Upper Tribunal resumed on 20 March 2019 and concluded successfully. It has now been reported as Banger (EEA: EFM – Right of Appeal) [2019] UKUT 00194(IAC).