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John Ross KC

John Ross KC


John Ross KC has a wealth of experience. His specialisms are professional liability and insurance-related claims, contract and commercial, public and regulatory law, PIL/cross-border and personal injury claims. He also has considerable experience in regulatory, commercial arbitration, TCC and construction adjudication hearings. His work also takes him overseas to appear and advise in other jurisdictions, including the Cayman Islands where he has been admitted on an ad hoc basis to address the Court in specific cases.

He has been an advocacy trainer at Inner Temple and undertaken advocacy training abroad – Nigeria for University lecturers and Singapore.

He has sat as a Recorder from 1990 to 2022 and continues to sit as a Legal Assessor for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, as he has done since 2006.

John Ross KC has a strong and broad Professional Negligence Practice, acting both for claimants and defendants/their insurers.  He is instructed in a wide range of actions in this field including claims against solicitors, barristers, architects, valuers, surveyors, accountants and insurance brokers and regularly advises on indemnity policy issues associated with such claims.

he has acquired specialist knowledge in personal injury cases involving industrial diseases, acquired brain injuries of the most serious kind, third party Contribution Act claims and those with Private International Law aspects (i.e. extending into injuries sustained abroad & Foreign Travel claims – as to this type of issue he has appeared in four recent lead cases in the field during recent years – 1 in the Supreme Court, 1 in the Court of Appeal and in 2 leading first instance decisions).

He has experience of Group Action Litigation and is currently instructed in a series of cases concerning noise induced hearing losses sustained by trainer pilot assigned to work abroad for a foreign State.

Recent highlights in his travel law work include a Supreme Court appearance and the ensuing important first instance decision, both of which have made new law in this field and are cited as determinative of many of the jurisdictional issues that arise in cross-border claim; a Court of Appeal hearing on the issue of an employer’s duties when sending an employee to work abroad; and the development of a Reparation Mediation and Arbitral Scheme in Uganda for the adjudication of historic sex abuse claims against a Religious Order.



Recorder 1990-2022; Legal Assessor to Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons 2006 to date; Vice-Chair and Chair PNBA 2010-2013; Bencher Inner Temple 2006 to date. Head of 1 Chancery Lane Chambers 2007-2017


Corporate INTL Professional Negligence Barrister of the Year 2022


LLB; LLM London (UCL)


London Bar

Personal injury

Leading silk3
John Ross KC – Deka Chambers ���Never fails to get right to the issues in a case. Very good on paper as well as in conference and in court. Always content to roll up his sleeves such that you feel he is truly invested in the matter. Inspires huge confidence with clients.’
London Bar

Professional negligence

Leading silk2
John Ross KC – Deka Chambers ‘He is completely in control when he is in court. Nothing fazes him and his advocacy is smooth, authoritative, and utterly persuasive.’