
Tara Vindis

Tara Vindis


Specialist in child law, both public and private law and related civil litigation.   Care proceedings including those involving allegations of serious injuries to children (physical, sexual and emotional) and often involving complicated medical and causation issues. Cases involving radicalisation of children. Adoption and special guardianship. Human Rights Act claims and Judicial Review.  Disclosure applications where Public Interest Immunity arguments apply.  Court of Protection. Frequently instructed by local authorities and children’s guardians. Represents all parties.  Tara also practises in all aspects of personal injury and clinical negligence. Direct Access instructions accepted.


Co-author of “The Revised Public Law Outline”  (2nd edition) published by 9 Gough Square.

Co-author of MIB claims Practice and Procedure under the 1999 Agreement, (1st and 2nd editions).

Contributing editor of  Jordans APIL guide to Road Traffic Accident Liability (1st and 2nd editions).


Called 1996.


Family Law Bar Association, The Association of Lawyers for Children, Personal Injuries Bar Association.


Educated at the Perse School for Girls, Cambridge and Exeter University. Two young sons.


Content supplied by Deka Chambers