
Laura Bumpus

Laura Bumpus


Laura has a particular interest in personal injury cases and regularly represents both claimants and defendants in the County Courts.


Civil: Laura's personal injury practice encompasses claims founded in public liability, employer's liability and tort on the fast and multi track for both claimants and defendants. She regularly advises on liability, evidence and quantum and drafts pleadings throughout all stages of litigation. She is adept at negotiating favourable settlements at the door of the court when required. Laura has appeared in the High court on several commercial matters as well as bankruptcy claims and regularly appears in the county court in relation to Landlord and tenant disputes and private contract claims. Family: Local Authorities and parents alike regularly instruct Laura to represent them in public family law proceedings both in the county court and PFRD. Laura has considerable experience of contested matters both on an interim and final basis. She has experience of advising and representing parties in financial remedy proceedings having conducted final hearings involving issues of unreasonable conduct and alleged fraud. Criminal: Laura has considerable experience of magistrates' and crown court defence work. She is a grade 1 prosecutor for the CPS and had experience of prosecuting benefit fraud cases. She has advised and conducted on a number of PII hearings in the Crown Court and brought a successful appeal in the Court of Appeal on complex issues involving the former IPP regime.
