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Andrew Onslow KC

Andrew Onslow KC


Andrew Onslow KC specialises in commercial litigation, banking and financial services, fraud, professional negligence and arbitration. He was leading Counsel for claimants in the multibillion pound claim against RBS, Fred Goodwin and others arising from RBS’s 2008 £12bn Rights Issue. He acted for the Defendants in ENRC v Gerrard & Dechert LLP (Judgment May 2022: [2022]EWHC 1138 (Comm)); in SKAT v Solo Capital Partners (acting for lead defendants in US$2bn claim by Danish tax authorities, alleging cum-ex dividend fraud); and in a claim for hundreds of millions of pounds against Clydesdale Bank and its parent company, National Australia Bank. He has also been involved in a number of FSMA s.90A claims; successful at trial and on appeal in Byers v Saudi National Bank (formerly Samba Financial Group), and in two appeals to the Court of Appeal (Libyan Investment Authority v King (acting for LIA) in claim for fraud in relation to Maple Cross hotel development, and Strategic Technology Pts Ltd v Procurement Bureau of the Republic of China (acting for the appellant Taiwan), now the leading case on enforcement of a foreign judgment under Administration of Justice Act 1920).  He was  Counsel for the SFO in civil/commercial aspects of R v Barclays (2008 capital raising), R v Hayes (LIBOR), R v Bittar (EURIBOR).

Andrew is also renowned for art disputes, appearing for the auction house in two of the leading cases this century (Thomson v Christie’s (trial and appeal 2004 and 2005); Thwaytes v Sotheby’s (trial 2014, judgment 2015).


London Bar

Banking and finance (including consumer credit)

Leading silk1
Andrew Onslow KC – 3 Verulam Buildings ‘Andrew is a superb KC and team leader, able to work on the largest matters of greatest significance to clients. He is a highly effective advocate, and able to persuade judges that his is the most trustworthy voice in the room. He is also excellent at predicting and reading judges.’
Middle East: The English Bar


Leading silk2
Andrew Onslow KC – 3 Verulam Buildings
Asia Pacific: The English Bar


Leading silk2
Andrew Onslow KC – 3 Verulam Buildings
London Bar

Fraud: civil

Leading silk1
Andrew Onslow KC –3 Verulam Buildings ‘He knows which points to press and which to leave alone. Judges listen to him.'
London Bar

Group litigation

Leading silk2
Andrew Onslow KC – 3 Verulam Buildings ‘Andrew has demonstrated why he remains one of the powerhouses in this area. His advocacy is the perfect mix of charm and ferociousness.'