
Richard Ground KC

Richard Ground KC

Work Department

Planning, compulsory purchase, local government, town and village greens, judicial review and environment.


Richard appeared in recent large Planning Inquiries including.

Cribbs Causeway major called in inquiry into very substantial retail expansion. Four QCs appeared at Inquiry. South Oxfordshire housing inquiry which involved a detailed housing land supply argument where Richard’s clients were successful. Bramshill Mansion and Registered Park inquiry. This was substantial inquiry over 5 weeks involving 3 QCs into highly significant and complicated applications for very sensitive Grade I heritage assets where Richard appeared for Historic England. Chiswick Curve. This was recovered jurisdiction inquiry into the tallest proposed building in West London at 32 storeys. This was a 4-week inquiry with very significant effects on large parts of West London. R (oao Cotham school) v Bristol City Council [2018] EWHC 1022 (Admin) Richard’s clients successfully challenged decision to register village green.


Called 1994, Inner Temple.


Planning and Environment Bar Association (PEBA); Compulsory Purchase Association (CPA); National Infrastructure Planning Association (NIPA)


St Paul’s School; St John’s College, Cambridge (1992 MA Cantab).


Tennis, family.


London Bar


Leading silk3
Richard Ground KC – Cornerstone Barristers ‘Richard is a master of appeals. He provides an incredibly well-thought through strategy and gets the whole team prepared and complimenting each others skills. His closing submissions are delivered in the right manner and tone and always draw together the arguments succinctly but with a killer point or two.’