Cornerstone Barristers

Paul Shadarevian KC
- Phone020 7242 4986
- Email[email protected]
Planning and environment.
Paul was the lead legal advisor on the London Gateway LDO for Thurrock. He acted on the CountrysideZest proposals for 3500 homes in Chelmsford, the Colchester Garrison redevelopment and Milton Park LDO. He is advising on the Purfleet Regeneration scheme and proposed Junction 7A, M11. He is also advising many councils in relation to their local plans, including Mid Devon’s proposed new Eden Centre.
Paul regularly appears at major planning inquiries for all sectors. Cases include NANT v Suffolk Coastal DC and Braintree DC v SSCLG (interpretation of para. 55 NPPF). CPOs include the Carmarthen Relief Road, A120 Bypass and A13/A130 interchange.
Called 1984, Gray’s Inn; solicitor and partner Norton Rose 1986-1996; readmitted to Bar 1996; junior counsel to the Crown; original joint author Butterworths Planning Law Service.
Planning and Environmental Bar Association (PEBA); Liveryman Tallow Chandler’s Company.
Sailing, painting, writing, freeman of the City of London and Liveryman of Tallows Chandlers Company, fellow of the RSA.