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Charlotte  Crocombe

Charlotte Crocombe


Charlotte is a junior barrister specialising in public and criminal law. She has a particular interest in human rights and civil remedies for criminal behaviour.


Charlotte has a busy civil practice representing local governments and the police in cases involving anti-social and criminal behaviour. This includes cases brought to disrupt gang-activity, the sexual exploitation of women and county lines drug dealing. She also helps vulnerable clients defend against possession claims and injunctions. Charlotte is particularly interested in the legal relationship between individuals and the police and has advised in judicial review claims concerning the appropriate exercise of police powers.

Charlotte also regularly appears in the Crown Court representing clients accused of a wide-range of criminal offences.

Prior to joining the bar, Charlotte worked as the Judicial Assistant to the Right Honourable Sir Brian Leveson, President of the Queen’s Bench Division and Head of Criminal Justice (as he then was). She assisted on cases considering applications under Part 77 of the Criminal Procedure Rules, the appropriate exercise of police and parole board powers, and the right to die.

Charlotte was formerly an advisor to two criminal barristers. In this role she assisted in the prosecution of cases involving modern slavery and human trafficking, terrorism, joint enterprise murder, and GBH, often involving multiple defendants.

Charlotte’s particular interest in human trafficking results from her work with Mbarara University of Science and Technology to uncover the true extent of trafficking and torture of Eritreans in Sudan and Egypt.


Constitutional and Administrative Law Bar Association Justice


Amsterdam University College, University of Amsterdam (2015) BA (cum laude Hons) Liberal Arts and Sciences: Social Sciences, International Relations and International Law (First Class) University of Law (2016): GDL, Distinction City Law School, City University (2019): BPTC/LLM
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