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Elisabeth Mason

Elisabeth Mason


    A leading social entrepreneur, philanthropic executive and international lawyer, Elisabeth Mason is the Founding Director of the Stanford Poverty & Technology Lab, the first lab dedicated to leveraging the data and technology revolution to create new, lasting, and low-cost solutions to poverty and inequality in the United States. In addition, Elisabeth is an international tenant at 4-5 Gray's Inn Square Chambers, in the heart of London's legal community.  There, she focuses on management of ten-figure +, multi-jurisdictional arbitral disputes, from funding to choice-of-law and venue issues, as well as strategy and client management.


    Elisabeth's career choices have been purposefully unconventional, but all share a commitment to transformative impact and the successful resolution of unique and complex issues. She helped establish Shakira's international foundation, worked with Mother Teresa's sisters in a leper colony in India, and crafted children's rights reform with the leaders of a dozen Latin American nations before the age of 25, where she founded and ran Fundación Kukula, an agency serving street youth and a winner of the UNICEF prize for Latin America.

    Prior to joining Stanford, Elisabeth was Co-Founder and CEO of Single Stop, a national anti-poverty initiative which served close to 2 million families, drawing down nearly $4 billion in impact under her leadership.  There she won two White House Social Innovation Awards.

    Elisabeth also helped develop a $1 billion, 10-year spend-down plan at Atlantic Philanthropies, served as a Managing Director for six years at the Robin Hood Foundation, and has practiced law on Wall Street and abroad.


    Elisabeth holds a BA and MA from Harvard and a JD from Columbia.

    Content supplied by 4-5 Gray's Inn Square