4-5 Gray's Inn Square
Guido Carducci
4-5 Gray's Inn Square, London
- Phone020 7404 5252
- Email[email protected]
International Tenant and Arbitrator 4-5 Gray's Inn Square (London)
Law Professor (Paris), Attorney-at-Law (Rome), Chartered Arbitrator (FCIArb)
in International Law (treaty and customary law): Former Chief, International Standards Section, UNESCO HQ Paris (2002-2007) responsible for: i) the intergovernmental negotiation of the 2003 Convention; ii) the implementation of the 1954, 1970, 2001 cultural property Conventions; iii) legal assistance to (192) Member States. Mediator between the UK and Greek Governments on the Parthenon Marbles in the British Museum. Italian Delegate in treaty-making. Ph.D. (Paris II). Diploma, Hague Academy of International Law
in International Arbitration, International Business Law, Comparative Conflict of Laws: Arbitrator, Expert Witness, Counsel. Law Professor in Paris (1999-Present),Visiting Professor (Miami, Hong Kong, Rome, Thessaloniki, 2012-18). Member ICC Commissions on Arbitration, Competition, Commercial Law. Treaty-making experience (at the Hague Conference of Private International Law and UNIDROIT)
in EU Law: Law Professor. EU Expert for the Elaboration of EU Regulation N.650/2012 on International Successions. EU Parliament Expert on return of looted art. Author-Team Leader EU/Italian Law in ICC Compendium of Antitrust Damages Actions
in English Law: International Tenant and Arbitrator 4-5 Gray's Inn Square, London. Registered European Lawyer in England and Wales. Professor/Lecturer of English Business Law (2015-Present)
in French Law: Law Professor in commercial law, international business and arbitration law (Maître de Conférences des Facultés de droit, University Paris Est, 1999-Present, not Agrégé), Ph.D. (Docteur en droit, Univ. Paris II). Eligible for Avocat à la Cour (not member of the Paris Bar). Post-graduate specialisations (DEAs) in private law, EU law, private and public international law, full French legal education. Authored Arbitration in France: Law and Practice (forthcoming Oxford University Press)
in Italian Law: Attorney-at-Law (Rome, Avvocato) admitted also before Supreme Courts (Patrocinante in Cassazione), Ph.D. (Dottore di Ricerca Univ. Rome I). Full Italian legal and political science education. Visiting Professor
American Bar Association: Former Vice-Chair, International Arbitration Committee and International Litigation Committee
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