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Danielle Barden

Danielle Barden

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Danielle Barden is a specialist in business crime, general crime and extradition law. She is ranked as a Leading Junior: Fraud: Crime and International Crime & Extradition in the Legal 500. Danielle is known for her skilled and eloquent advocacy and her determination to go the extra mile for her clients.


Danielle Barden is a specialist barrister instructed in business crime, general crime and extradition.

She is ranked as a Leading Junior in the Legal 500 in International Crime and Extradition. Danielle is also recognised in Chambers & Partners for her work in Extradition.

"An up-and-coming and very capable Barrister. She has an impressive grip on issues at hand and is very thorough in her preparation, regularly achieving fantastic outcomes for her clients."

Danielle has broad experience of acting in business crime cases. She also has significant experience in proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. She acts in cases concerning cash forfeiture, detention, confiscation and enforcement proceedings and has appeared at the Court of Appeal in relation to such matters.

Danielle is an experienced advocate in extradition. She exclusively appears on behalf of individuals who are requested for extradition before both the High Court on appeal and the Magistrates’ Court at first instance. Danielle has broad experience of arguing complex legal issues before the High Court and has successfully argued against the extradition of requested persons both at the Magistrates’ Court and on appeal to a range of states.

Danielle appears regularly in complex criminal matters including fraud, money laundering, robbery, sexual offences and drugs offences, both as a led junior and a junior alone. She appears for both the defence and prosecution in the Crown, Magistrates’ and Youth Courts and has achieved success in all of these forums, as well as before the Court of Appel.

The Legal 500 2022.

"A fine advocate who is always thorough in her preparation and inventive with her arguments."

Chambers & Partners 2022.

Danielle has broad experience of acting in business crime cases. She also has significant experience in proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. She acts in cases concerning cash forfeiture, detention, confiscation and enforcement proceedings and has appeared at the Court of Appeal in relation to such matters.

Danielle appears regularly in complex criminal matters including fraud, money laundering, robbery, sexual offences and drugs offences, both as a led junior and a junior alone. She appears for both the defence and prosecution in the Crown, Magistrates’ and Youth Courts and has achieved success in all of these forums, as well as before the Court of Appeal.

She is a skilled prosecutor and has acted in a number of private prosecution cases. She has successfully acted on behalf of private bodies, such as the Royal Mail and local authorities.

Danielle has significant experience in representing vulnerable defendants, such as youths, victims of exploitation and individuals with mental health difficulties. Her skill at putting clients at ease, building a rapport and ensuring their comfort and understanding of the process throughout is second to none. As a result, Danielle has significant expertise in representing defendants running defences under section 45 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Danielle is a dedicated advocate, who argues passionately on behalf of her clients and is able to clearly and persuasively put across complex legal arguments, both in her written and oral advocacy.

Before coming to the bar, Danielle worked at a specialist criminal defence firm in North West London. She specialised in confiscation law.

During her time at the firm she also assisted in the preparation of the defence of a multi-million-pound fraud trial, an action against the police and a judicial review concerning the improper seizure and detention of cash.


Danielle was called to the Bar in 2014. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) advocates panel at Level 3: South Eastern Circuit. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) specialist advocates panel: Fraud: Level 2. Serious Fraud Office (SFO) panel of external counsel: C Panel.

Extradition & International

Danielle is a specialist extradition practitioner and is ranked in the Legal 500 as a rising star in International Crime and Extradition. She exclusively represents requested persons in extradition proceedings.

Danielle regularly appears before the Magistrates’ Court and the High Court, representing requested persons whose extradition has been requested to countries both throughout Europe and further afield.

Danielle has successfully opposed the extradition of requested persons at the Magistrates’ Court and the High Court in relation to a range of legal bars to extradition. She represents requested persons on the basis of the full range of issues that fall under the Extradition Act 2003 and the European Convention on Human Rights.

She has recently acted in complex cases before the Magistrates’ Court, including raising arguments on prison conditions that amount to the inhuman and degrading treatment of prisoners (Article 3), the lack of decisions to charge and try requested persons (section 12A), procedural failings in the body of the European Arrest Warrant (section 2) and lack of information to support that alleged offences were in fact extradition offences (section 10).

Danielle also assists clients with the drafting of letters to INTERPOL concerning the request for the removal of, and information concerning, INTERPOL Red Notices.

Business Crime & Financial Regulation

Danielle has broad experience of acting in business crime cases.

Recently, she has acted for the Serious Fraud Division of the Crown Prosecution Service, as a led junior, in a multi-handed fraud and money laundering case and disclosure counsel for a large-scale fraud case.

Asset Recovery, Civil Fraud & Confiscation

Danielle specialises in representing both the defence and prosecution in confiscation proceedings at the Crown Court.

She represents defendants in high value confiscation proceedings, both as a led junior and a junior alone and has successfully argued for the significant reduction of confiscation orders.

Danielle appears at enforcement proceedings at the Magistrates’ Court concerning the activation of default sentences for the non-payment of confiscation orders.

She has successfully opposed the activation of default sentences for clients whose outstanding confiscation orders have ranged in value from thousands to hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Criminal Defence

Danielle is a skilled advocate within the field of criminal proceedings.

Danielle has broad and extensive experience at the Crown Court, Magistrates’ Court, Youth Court and the Court of Appeal, appearing in cases for both the prosecution and defence.

She has successfully secured the acquittal of defendants in a range of cases, such as those involving allegations of assault, robbery, burglary, sexual offences and drugs offences.

Danielle regularly acts in large scale criminal cases, involving multiple defendants and allegations of joint enterprise. Danielle recently secured the acquittal, as a led junior, of a defendant accused of human trafficking in the context of sexual and drugs offences.

Danielle specialises in representing vulnerable defendants and has successfully obtained acquittals in cases running the defence under section 45 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

The undoubted brilliance of Miss Danielle Barden, was I believe the difference between the not guilty judgement the jury delivered and the very real prospect of being found guilty and therefore losing my clean record, a thing I didn't really value until it was hanging on a razors edge.

I can't sing the praises of Miss Barden enough, her pure professionalism, her determination to get the result required, her willingness to go that extra mile in a worthwhile cause, her sheer mastery of the court room setting. I can only imagine the hours that Danielle spent preparing the final summing up of all the details of the case to the jury just before they went out to deliberate and in doing so making mincemeat of all the prosecutor's arguments.

Criminal Prosecutions - Private & Public

Danielle regularly prosecutes on behalf of both private prosecutors and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and is a Grade 3 advocate for the CPS.

She is a skilled prosecutor and has successfully acted on behalf of private bodies, such as the Royal Mail and local authorities.

Inquests & Inquiries

Danielle accepts instructions in relation to Public Inquiries and Inquests.


Young Fraud Lawyers Association. Women in Criminal Law. Defence Extradition Lawyers’ Forum. Middle Temple Young Barristers’ Association. Middle Temple. South Eastern Circuit.


City Law School, BPTC. Cardiff University, LLB Law.
