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Emily Rayner

Emily Rayner


Also Oxford (0844 561 7135). Specialises in all aspects of family law with an emphasis on family finance matters and children and finance cases with an international element.


Called 2009. Tenant at Harcourt chambers since 2010. Pegasus Scholarship (New Zealand) 2011. South Eastern Circuit Scholarship, Advanced Advocacy Course, Keble (2014). From March - July 2015 on secondment to Law Officer's Department, Jersey. Writes the quarterly Case Law updates for the International Family Law Journal.


Advocate; Association of Lawyers for Children; Child Abduction Lawyers Association; Family Law Bar Association; JUSTICE.


Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge (2007 BA Hons Law 2(1)); University College London (2008 LLM (Human Rights) Distinction); City University (2009 BVC Very Competent); Middle Temple Harmsworth Entrance Exhibition and Astbury Scholar.


South Eastern Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior2
Emily Rayner –Harcourt Chambers ‘Emily is always well-prepared, knowing the cases inside out. She goes above and beyond for her clients. She is able to grasp the main issues of cases instantly, and her advice is firm but fair. Her advocacy is methodical and well-thought-through.’
London Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior4
Emily Rayner –Harcourt Chambers ‘Emily is a strong advocate, keenly intelligent, meticulous and has a wonderful manner with clients.’
South Eastern Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: divorce and financial remedy

Leading junior2
Emily Rayner –Harcourt Chambers ‘Emily is always well-prepared, knowing the cases inside out. She goes above and beyond for her clients. She can grasp the main issues of cases, and her advice is firm but fair.’
London Bar

Family: divorce and financial remedy

Leading junior4
Emily Rayner –Harcourt Chambers ‘Emily is an excellent advocate who can delve into the details and present her arguments robustly.'