Region Area


Jane Campbell

Jane Campbell


Jane’s practice is principally financial remedy, although she undertakes schedule 1 cases and private law children work.  Jane returned to the Bar after a career break in 2010.  She is recommended in the leading directories for family work.  In 2015 she was appointed to sit as a Deputy District Judge (Civil/Family) in the South East.

Jane represents clients from all walks of life, from those with modest assets to high net worth individuals.  She has particular expertise in representing vulnerable clients, both in financial remedy and schedule 1 proceedings and in private law children matters. 

Reported Cases

Birch v Birch [2017] UKSC 53 – successful appeal on behalf of wife seeking to discharge an undertaking in a final consent order.  Court held, by a majority of 4 to 1, that wife could apply under s.31 to vary order and under inherent jurisdiction to discharge undertaking.

Re G Children [2014] EWCA Civ 336 – successful appeal on behalf of biological mother who donated eggs to her partner who was the birth mother.  Donation predated HFEA 2008 so biological mother did not automatically have PR.  Case remitted to circuit judge and PR awarded. 

R v R [2013] EWHC 4244 (Fam) – case before the President concerning the duties of shadow directors and the grant of restraint of trade orders under the inherent jurisdiction of the court.


Called 1990.






Fine Art, Walking


South Eastern Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior4
Jane Campbell –Harcourt Chambers ‘Jane is extremely sensitive to clients’ needs and delivers difficult advice tactfully and supportively. Her advice is pragmatic and accurate.’
London Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior6
Jane Campbell –Harcourt Chambers 'Jane is a compassionate and prepared advocate. Her gentle manner belies a steely approach to cross-examination.'
South Eastern Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: divorce and financial remedy

Leading junior1
Jane Campbell –Harcourt Chambers 'Jane has exceptional interpersonal skills to build a trusting, but also warm and compassionate relationship with clients. Her advocacy is concise.'
London Bar

Family: divorce and financial remedy

Leading junior4
Jane Campbell –Harcourt Chambers ‘Jane is incredibly hard-working, and is compassionate and deeply understanding towards clients.’