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Andrew Green KC

Andrew Green KC


Barrister specialising in commercial law and, particularly, insurance and reinsurance, financial services, media and entertainment, civil fraud and sports law. Full professional career details can be found at


Qualified 1988, Inner Temple; QC 2010.


London Bar

Banking and finance (including consumer credit)

Leading silk2
Andrew Green KC – Blackstone Chambers ‘You want him on your side in a fight, but also a sophisticated operator in this field who gives subtle advice and skilful representation to large banking and financial services clients. He knows the industry inside out and his advice is always realistic and considered, which makes banks so keen to use him for his wisdom and strategic antennae. A first class banking lawyer.’
London Bar

Commercial litigation

Leading silk1
Andrew Green KC –Blackstone Chambers 'Andrew is a wonderful barrister and a star. He is a fearsome cross-examiner with an incisive and thoughtful style, and his cross-examinations are a thing of beauty.'
London Bar

Financial services and fintech regulation

Leading silk1
Andrew Green KC –Blackstone Chambers ‘Andrew has good judgement, but really comes into his own in the courtroom. He is a forensic cross-examiner.'
London Bar

Fraud: civil

Leading silk4
Andrew Green KC – Blackstone Chambers 'A consummate trial advocate, insightful and fiendishly clever.'
London Bar

Insurance and reinsurance

Leading silk3
Andrew Green KC – Blackstone Chambers ‘Amazing advocate and good client handling skills notwithstanding court pressures.'
London Bar

International arbitration: counsel

Leading silk3
Andrew Green KC –Blackstone Chambers 'Andrew is a formidable KC. He is very clever, a great tactician, user friendly and, above all, a superb advocate particularly skilled at cross-examination. If ever there was a Silk for a difficult case, then Andrew is that person.'
Content supplied by Blackstone Chambers