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Austin Stoton

Austin Stoton

2BR, London


Barrister specialising in health and safety enforcement and business and financial crime. The ‘Buncefield’ disaster,the Tower Bridge case, the Strata Building case, prosecution of a military aerospace manufacturer and of Tata (British) Steel. Many fatality based cases involving motorway accidents, lifts, building demolition, reversing vehicles and construction related deaths. A particularly strong practice in engineering and construction related cases. Appeals to the Administrative Court of statutory enforcement notices including prohibition and improvement notices and enforcement undertakings. Environmental law and environmental enforcement and prosecutions including waste, pollution, and waste transfer stations. Was led in the Operation Vaulter series of cases the largest missing trader cases ever prosecuted, over £1bn in circulation, involving the analysis of hundreds of different bank accounts, computers and telecommunication devices. Evidence was called from many different jurisdictions including Arabia, the Far East, Europe and America, the personal benefit to the principals exceeded £100m. Appeared as leading junior in the Operation Cocoa bean cases a £40m VAT fraud case. VAT tribunals, and professional regulatory tribunals. See for further information.


Qualified 2007; Inner Temple.


Criminal Bar Association; Health and Safety Lawyers Association (HSLA); South East Circuit.


B Eng (Hons) Biochemical Engineering. double starred first; PhD Biochemical Engineering; chartered engineer, C Eng; chartered scientist C Sci; Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineers FIChem E.


Arts, literature and triathlon.
