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Tracy Ayling KC

Tracy Ayling KC


Specialist Criminal Practitioner - Defence and Prosecution. Defends in serious sex cases, murder, and confiscation cases acting in some of the highest profile cases in the UK. Recent cases include gang murders, representing young gang members using knives and guns. Particular expertise in the ever-developing areas of child sex offending, grooming, and human trafficking. Leading defence counsel in Operations Bullfinch and Sabaton (very high profile, widely reported cases concerning gangs of Asian men grooming and abusing very young girls over a period of many years in Oxford). Bullfinch was the second case of its type. Advocacy trainer for the Inner Temple. Teaches a unique course on how to cross examine very young and vulnerable witnesses. Brought in to lead for the defence in a 2014 case involving 3 year old complainants and significant expert witness evidence. Defended in rape case. Leading specialist in matters of PII and disclosure. Extensive experience of cases concerning International Security and Government agencies requiring expert knowledge of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, including the legality of telephone intercept material. Appointed in 2010 as a Special Advocate for the Attorney General. Special Advocate in Operation Lanosity.


Called 1983; Inner Temple; standing counsel to HM Customs & Excise 1998-2005; QC 2006.


Criminal Bar Association; South Eastern Circuit.


Horndean Comprehensive School; Durham University (BA Dunelm).


London Bar


Leading silk2
Tracy Ayling KC – 2 Bedford Row