Pump Court Chambers

Geoffrey Kelly
- Phone020 7353 0711
- Email[email protected]
Geoffrey Kelly is specialist in the field of family finance, with many years of experience under his belt.
Geoffrey’s reputation is founded on many years of experience in resolving family finance issues. In particular he deals with financial remedies upon divorce or dissolution of civil partnerships, applications under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989, property disputes between cohabitees and disputes regarding children.
Geoffrey regularly appears in the Principal Registry of the Family Division and local County Courts.
The following are examples of recent cases in which he has been involved:
A v A – represented the wife of an internationally renowned composer in financial proceedings in the CFC. The husband is represented by Howard Kennedy.
B v B – represented an eminent planning silk in both financial and children proceedings. The wife was represented by Charles Russell.
C v C – represented the husband who had recently sold his stake in a software firm for a substantial sum and who planned to retire.
D v D – represented the husband on a capitalisation/variation application where his considerable fortune arose from shares obtained during the course of the marriage and which were retained by him following the original consent order in the financial proceedings.
E v E – represented the husband in financial proceedings where the wealth accrued as a result of the joint efforts of the parties who were the joint owners of a financial advice business. His opponent was a silk.
F v F – represented an asset-rich dairy farmer in financial proceedings where the main issue was how to extract cash from illiquid assets.
G v G – representing the wife in a case where the husband is seeking to reopen financial remedy proceedings years after they were concluded on the grounds that he is now facing bankruptcy. The Husband is represented by a silk.
H v H – representing the husband who is one of many beneficiaries in a significant trust established in an EU country.
Reported cases Bhura v Bhura [2015] 1 FLR 153; In Re B (A Child) [2011] EWCA Civ 1001; Fytche v Wincanton Logistics plc [2004] UKHL 31, [2004] ICR 975; I v N [2003] EWHC 327; A etc v Times Newspapers [2002] EWHC 2444, [2003] 1 FLR 689; R v Headley [1996] TRT 173.
Called 1992, Middle Temple. Completed pupillage at Pump Court Chambers and joined chambers. Initially he undertook a wide range of work, taking cases to the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords before specialising in matrimonial finance. He was appointed a recorder in 2009.
Geoffrey enjoys the concept of catching fish! He is also an enthusiastic rugby coach.
Cycling and not catching fish.