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Helen Khan

Helen Khan


Child AbductionChildren Law (Private)Children Law (Public)Court of ProtectionDomestic Violence


Call: 1990

Helen Khan is a highly experienced family practitioner and deals with public and private children law proceedings at every level. She specialises particularly in complex and serious public law proceedings, including those with parallel criminal proceedings, and in Wardship. She has a special interest in and significant experience of those cases involving vulnerable lay clients whether through mental or physical health problems, learning difficulties or addictions, in many of which she receives instructions from the Official Solicitor.

Helen specialises in complex child care cases ranging from non accidental injury of the most serious and permanent nature, including death of a child, through the full range of those involving sexual, physical and emotional abuse and neglect, representing parents and children’s guardians. She also deals with Wardship, residence, contact and relocation disputes, particularly those involving a foreign element, as well as Brussels II R cases.

Her years of previous experience as a criminal practitioner dealing with the most serious and sensitive cases in the Crown Court and Court of Appeal stand her in good stead in the many hearings involving Findings of Fact which she undertakes and in cases with parallel criminal proceedings. Although no longer practising regularly in crime, she has been asked to return to defend in a number of serious and lengthy criminal trials, particularly involving serious sexual abuse of children.

As a result of her representation of lay clients vulnerable due to mental and/or physical health problems, she also has an interest in Court of Protection work, whether on Circuit or in London.

Helen is commended for her approachability and her handling of sensitive clients as well as for her no nonsense approach.

Notable Cases:

Family: Re A and B (children) [2018] EWHC 3491 (Fam) JS (Disposal of Body), Re [2016] EWHC 2859 (Fam) (10 November 2016) N and P (Children) (Care and Placement Orders) [2016] EWFC 4 Lancashire CC v T and Others (Habitual Residence:Care Proceedings) [2014] EWHC 3321 (Fam) Re B (children) [2012] EWCA Civ 1275 Santiago v Regina [2005] EWCA Crim 556


Criminal Bar Association Family Law Bar Association Western Circuit


LLB (Hons), Leicester University