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Andrew Stone

Andrew Stone


Andrew Stone joined Chambers after defending Death Row prisoners in Pakistan.  He enjoys a busy Western Circuit practice with Criminal Law at its heart. Defending and prosecuting, Andrew has a broad portfolio that embraces Regulatory & Disciplinary Law as well as appearances in the Courts Martial.  He is developing expertise at the Coroners Court and holds a long-term interest in Environmental Law.

Andrew’s criminal practice encompasses serious offences including rape, GBH and ‘county lines’ drug conspiracies.  He has recently been successful in a long and complex multi-defendant trial concerning the theft and manufacture of illegal firearms on MOD premises.  Recently he successfully appealed against a manifestly excessive sentence in the Court of Appeal.  Andrew has also appeared in an important case before the Administrative Court that clarified the extent to which public order offences can take place on private land (see DPP v JD [2017] EWHC 2244 (Admin)).

A CPS Grade 2  prosecutor, Andrew has also been appointed to the List of Specialist Regulatory Advocates in Health and Safety and Environmental Law.


Called 2011, Inner Temple.


Honourable Society of the Inner Temple Western Circuit Criminal Bar Association Association of Regulatory and Disciplinary Lawyers UK Environmental Law Association


Sir Joseph Priestley Scholarship (2013) BPTC, University of the West of England (2011) ADR Group Mediator Course, University of the West of England (2010) GDL, University of the West of England (2010) BA (Hons) Philosophy, University of Sheffield (1993)