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Alejandra Llorente Tascon

Alejandra Llorente Tascon


Alejandra Llorente Tascon is a specialist Criminal practitioner.

She has a busy criminal practise, frequently appearing in the Crown Court and the Courts Martial on behalf of the Defence and the Prosecution. Alejandra’s practice encompasses a wide range of offences including sexual offences, serious violence, offensive weapons, drugs, financial crime, dishonesty offences, regulatory matters, and POCA. Furthermore, she has experience in dealing with youth and vulnerable defendants and complainants, as well as those with mental health issues.

Throughout all of her cases, Alejandra maintains a strong work ethic which, coupled with her meticulous case preparation, allows her to represent her clients with mastery of the law and the facts.


Called 2016, Inner Temple.


Alejandra is a native Spanish speaker.


CPS Advocate Panel Level 2 Inner Temple Criminal Bar Association (CBA) Elected Executive Committee Member & Social Mobility Committee Member Association of Regulatory & Disciplinary Lawyers (ARDL) South Eastern Circuit Western Circuit Panel member at the Bar Pro Bono Unit


PGDip Bar Professional Training Course, City Law School (2015-2016) LLB(Hons) Law with Spanish, The University of Sheffield (2011-2015) Spanish Law, La Universitat de Valencia (2013-2014)