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Louis Doyle

Louis Doyle

Kings Chambers, North West


    Louis Doyle KC is a commercial silk with a particular expertise and reputation and extensive experience in insolvency and insolvency-related work, the latter commonly involving commercial claims litigated under the procedural umbrella of a formal insolvency.


    Admitted a solicitor 1994. Called to the Bar (Lincoln’s Inn) 1996. Attorney General Panel 2001-2007. Established Kings Chambers Wellbeing 2017. Silk 2020. Called to the Bar of the British Virgin Islands 2021. Also associate tenant and instructed via 9, Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn.


    Insolvency Lawyers Association (full member)

    R3 (full member)

    Chancery Bar Association

    Committee Member, Northern Chancery Bar Association

    Committee Member, Northern Commercial Bar Association

    Professional Negligence Bar Association

    Advocate (formerly the Bar Pro Bono Unit)


    Degree: LLB (CNAA), LLM (Birmingham)

    Admitted as a solicitor in 1994

    Year of Call: 1996 (Lincoln's Inn)


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