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Frank Feehan KC

Frank Feehan KC


Frank has expertise in all areas of family law and is unusual in having successfully represented parties in both financial and children matters, domestic and international, in all levels of court including the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court in the last 5 years.

In those years he has appeared in Sharp v Sharp, the landmark case concerning the approach to short and ‘dual career’ marriages; Mills v Mills, concerning the proper approach to a lifetime maintenance order (heard in the Supreme Court in June 2018); S v A concerning a novel approach to the construction of awards in Sch 1 Children Act cases; Re M (Children) concerning the enforcement of foreign private law orders in the UK; and Re W (A Child) concerning the approach to be taken to domestic adoption cases.

Frank has been called to the Bar of the Cayman Islands and has appeared successfully in a number of children and financial cases there in the last few years at both Grand Court and Court of Appeal level.

He continues to accept instructions in all aspects of private and publicly funded work.


Frank is a Recorder and sits in children and finance cases; he is ticketed in the Financial Remedies Unit at the Central Family Court and in Manchester.


All Saints’ Comprehensive, Sheffield Emmanuel College Cambridge
