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Nicola Fox

Work Department

Family finance, family children, deputy district judge (family and civil). Arbitrator


Nicola maintains a high calibre practice in private children law and financial work. Her financial work encompasses matrimonial finance, Schedule One, international issues and complex substantial asset cases. Her children work includes international relocation, complex disputes involving allegations of harm, mental health issues and parental alienation. A qualified Arbitrator in children cases and sits as a Deputy District Judge in family (CFC and South Eastern circuit) and civil cases.


Called 1996; Middle Temple.Deputy District Judge since 2010 (CFC and South Eastern Circuit - family and civil)CIArb (Aribitrator) since 2016


Member of the Family Law Bar AssociationMember of the Association of Lawyers for ChildrenMember of ResolutionMember of South Eastern CircuitMember of the Bar Pro Bono Unit Panel


University College LondonInstitute of Psychiatry/Maudsley HospitalCity UniversityInns of Court School of LawMCI Arb (Arbitrator)Prior to coming to the bar, Nicola was a clinical psychologist working with children and a lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry.


London Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Nicola Fox –1 King’s Bench Walk ‘Nicola is hard-working, intelligent, an excellent advocate, approachable and empathetic.’
London Bar

Family: divorce and financial remedy

Nicola Fox – 1 King’s Bench Walk ‘Nicola is an absolute powerhouse and genuinely flawless. Her paperwork is always excellent and prepared. She has a masterful and commanding court presence, impressive client and solicitor handling skills, and deep knowledge of the law. ‘