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Allan J Myers KC

The 36 Group, London


QC specialising in commercial law, constitutional and administrative law, corporations law, equity and trusts, petroleum law, property law, taxation law, trade practices law.


Called to the Bar (Victoria, Australia) 1975; QC 1986. Queen’s Counsel for all jurisdictions in Australia. Lawyer, Papua New Guinea 1986. Called to the Bar (England and Wales) 1988. Assistant Professor of Law at Yorke University, Toronto, Canada (1972-73); lecturer in security and taxation law (including Masters Program) at University of Melbourne (1974-88); member until 1996 of Council of Taxation Institute of Australia. Cases of note: Pilmer & ors v Duke Group Ltd (in liq) & ors (HCA 31) [2001] 180 ALR 249; Figgins Holdings Pty Ltd v SEAA Enterprises Pty Ltd [1999] 196 CLR 245; Esso Australia Resources Ltd & ors v Plowman & ors [1995] 183 CLR 10; Oil Basins Ltd v The Commonwealth of Australia & ors [1993] 178 CLR 643; Brott v The Queen [1992] 173 CLR 326; National Australia Bank Ltd & ors v Bond Brewing Holdings Ltd & ors [1990] 169 CLR 271; Banque Commerciale SA en liquidation v Akhil Holdings Ltd [1990] 169 CLR 279; Austotel Pty Ltd v Franklins Selfservice Pty Ltd [1989] 16 NSWLR 582; Myer Emporium Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1987] 163 CLR 199; Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Myer Emporium Ltd (No.1) [1986] 160 CLR 220; The Broken Hill Proprietary Co Pty Ltd & Elders IXL Ltd v National Companies & Securities Commission [1986] 160 CLR 492; Handevel Pty Ltd v Comptroller of Stamps (Vic) [1985] 157 CLR 177; Hematite Petroleum Pty Ltd v The State of Victoria [1983] 151 CLR 599; O’Reilly & ors v State Bank of Vic. Commissioners [1983] 153 CLR 1; Church of the New Faith v Commissioner of Pay-Roll Tax (Vic) [1983] 154 CLR 120; Dampier Mining Co v Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1981] 147 CLR 408; Nilsen Development Laboratories Pty Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1981] 144 CLR 616. Publications: editor of Australia Taxation Review (1975-93); many articles on revenue law published in Australia and elsewhere.


Institute of Arbitrators Australia.


University of Melbourne, Australia – BA, LLB (Supreme Court Prize) (1965-70); Christ Church, Oxford – BCL (1971-72).

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