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Hal  Watson

Hal Watson

Red Lion Chambers, South East


Instructed as sole or led junior to prosecute and defend complex criminal and quasi-criminal cases, specialising in fraud and other financial misconduct in both criminal and civil jurisdictions. Including highly complex asset freezing, forfeiture, and confiscation proceedings.

Hal is a CPS Grade 4 prosecutor on both the Crown Prosecution Service Specialist Fraud panel and Proceeds of Crime panel and is routinely instructed at a pre-charge stage to advise in multi-handed cases of real public importance, more often than not including a multi-jurisdictional element. This includes investigations by the Serious Fraud Office, CPS Serious Economic Organised Crime and International Directorate and CPS Proceeds of Crime division, the Financial Conduct Authority, and Insolvency Service.

The focus of Hal’s practice is (prosecuting and defending) significant fraud and tax fraud offences where quantum is significantly in excess of £100M, allied money laundering, and subsequent confiscation proceedings. He is currently instructed in a number of international fraud/corruption investigations involving multinational corporates and cross-border bribery allegations, including section 7 Bribery Act 2010 (the corporate failure to prevent).

Hal has advised on internal investigations relating to financial misconduct by major financial institutions, deferred prosecution agreements, and breaches of domestic money laundering regulations.

Hal’s experience encompasses cases alleging conspiracy to cheat, conspiracy to defraud (including unlawful means), all other serious fraud type offences, money laundering (often with an international element), false accounting and Company Act offences, and large-scale benefit offences.

Hal has particular expertise in complex VAT fraud, criminal tax avoidance and MTIC fraud, related money laundering, and in the recovery of the proceeds of crime under both pre, and post Proceeds of Crime Act legislation. He is regularly instructed in confiscation hearings where benefit figures are in excess of £10m, allied enforcement proceedings, and on applications pursuant to section 22 and 23 PoCA 2002. Hal has relevant experience at first instance and in the appellate courts in relation to asset freezing and forfeiture under both criminal and civil regimes.

Hal has direct experience of AF powers arising from the Criminal Finances Act 2017 including where criminal proceedings were either not pursued or were inappropriate, and has advised on the interplay between and decisions to pursue civil as against criminal forfeiture processes.

Hal has a detailed knowledge (in particular as nominated disclosure counsel) of specialist areas including PII, Regulation of Investigatory Powers, the operation of the SAR regime, the obtaining and use of evidence from foreign jurisdictions and other disclosure and evidence gathering issues – including in the context of restraint and asset forfeiture/confiscation.

He routinely works in conjunction with (internal and external) forensic accountants and financial investigators both pre and post charge, and has significant experience in and regularly advises on the restraint and recovery of assets in the context of police and HMRC investigations relating to asset tracing, tax misconduct and restraint.


Grade 4 Prosecutor Crown Prosecution Service Serious Fraud Panel

Grade 4 Prosecutor Crown Prosecution Service Proceeds of Crime Panel


Criminal Bar Association

North Eastern Circuit


BVC, PGDL (College of Law, London)

BA Hons University College London