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Tony Badenoch KC

Tony Badenoch KC


Called to the Bar in 1996 and appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2014, having met the standard of excellence required by the selection panel, from a thriving junior practice in criminal, coronial and regulatory law.

Criminal Law

Significant experience both for the Crown and the Defence as Leading and Junior Counsel, maintaining a practice with a 50/50 split since called in 1996. Tony has repeatedly received instructions from a wide range of professional clients, including leading firms of defence solicitors and the special casework unit within the Crown Prosecution Service.

More recently, he has developed a niche in cases of homicide, sexual offending and child cruelty, where medical evidence often features and to which he can bring particular specialist knowledge from his appointments with the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service and as Assistant Coroner.

Homicide (Inc. Deaths in Custody) / Terrorism

Since taking Silk (2014), Tony has maintained a busy practice in this area prosecuting and defending in some of the most grave and complex cases. One year into Silk, he was instructed to prosecute Rehman and Khan, for preparing to bomb London in a ‘21/7 anniversary attack’ in the name of ISIS. Each received the lengthiest sentences handed down by any court for this particular terrorism offence.

Other work within his busy caseload includes advising on decisions to prosecute in some of the most high-profile complex cases and prosecuting at trial highly complex and sensitive cases lasting individually many months (2016-2017).

Deaths occurring in custody are an area in which Tony is repeatedly retained to advise and appear, bringing specialist knowledge from the unique perspective of his judicial appointments (Criminal, Coronial and Medical), together with real expertise of court processes in all jurisdictions. In 2014 he prosecuted three custody officers alleged to be responsible for the death of Jimmy Mubenga, following an inquest jury finding of Unlawful Killing.

His experience in Silk, and as a junior in which he appeared in dozens of murder trials, is such that he is often asked to review the safety of convictions for both sides. In doing so he has worked closely with the Criminal Cases Review Commission and the Appeals Unit within the CPS advising and responding to issues raised from historic convictions.


Between 2004 and 2010, Tony was instructed to prosecute a global conspiracy emanating from over 60 countries and states. Initially, he advised on appropriate charges alone, before Queen’s Counsel was instructed to lead him at trial. He brought specialist knowledge to the case including an insight into multi-jurisdictional issues, presentation of live-link evidence from around the world and asset recovery from overseas.

More recently, in 2013-14, he has received instructions to prosecute as Leading Counsel a substantial conspiracy perpetrated against the Vehicle Operating and Services Agency. Both defendants were convicted upon their pleas of guilty.

Inquests & Public Inquiries

Tony has particular expertise in the procedure at inquests. Following an open competition in 2011, he was appointed Assistant Coroner to Inner London South to assist with the backlog of death in custody inquests, held with juries.

Since appointment he has regularly heard inquests with juries, and more recently, received instructions to appear as an advocate, for a Senior Crown Prosecution Service lawyer, in the long running and high profile inquest arising out of the death of Sabina Akhtar.

Regulatory and Medical Law

Tony is fully familiar with the Medical Act 1983, associated statutory rules and has such expertise in this area of Regulatory Law that he has been appointed as Legal Assessor to the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service Fitness to Practise Tribunal, following an open competition in 2010.

Restraint, Confiscation and Asset Forfeiture

Tony has been instructed in Very High Cost Cases arising from Missing Trader Intra- Community (MTIC) frauds and global conspiracies for confiscation orders sought in the hundreds of millions. Such instructions, as with all of his criminal practice, are received from both the Crown and the Defence.

Media and Information Law

Tony is retained by the Northern and Shell Media Group (including Express Newspapers) to provide pre-publication advice in a number of areas of media law, including defamation, copyright, privacy and confidence and reporting restrictions.


Called 1996. Coroner’s Course Syndicate Leader 2013 Recorder of the Crown Court (South Eastern Circuit) 2012 Assistant Coroner (Inner South London jurisdiction 2011 Legal Assessor to the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service 2010. Appointed Queen’s Counsel 2014.


Member of the Fraud Lawyers Association.


South Bank University (BSc Hons); College of Law (CPE).


London Bar


Leading silk3
Tony Badenoch KC – 6KBW College Hill ‘Tony is a very impressive advocate with sound judgement and a great work ethic. He is polite in the extreme, a commodity that isn’t always found in advocates these days, and his advocacy on legal matters is extremely impressive.’