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Richard Evans

Richard Evans


Richard has a broad practice with particular emphasis on extradition and public law.


Richard has detailed knowledge of both Part One and Part Two of the Extradition Act 2003.

He acts for requesting judicial authorities and governments, as well as for requested persons. He has appeared in a number of significant cases at first instance and before the Administrative Court, and has a detailed knowledge of the appellate process.

Public Law

Richard is a member of the Attorney General’s B Panel of Counsel to the Crown.

Richard has experience in public law, especially its operation in immigration, extradition and criminal proceedings.  He regularly appears before the Court of Appeal, High Court and Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber).


Richard regularly appears for the Home Office in immigration judicial review cases before the High Court and Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber).  He has appeared as presenting officer for the Home Office in relation to immigration appeals to the first-tier tribunal.  These cases have involved human rights issues and the requirements of the immigration rules and the application of published policy.

He has undertaken immigration cases for individuals.


Richard regularly appears for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs before the First-Tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) and the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) in relation to appeals concerning customs and excise duty.  Recent cases have involved the penalties imposed for non-payment of duty, classification of goods and the regulation of warehouse keepers.

Criminal Litigation

Richard prosecutes in the Crown Court and the Magistrates’ Court on behalf of a range of authorities. These include the Crown Prosecution Service, Transport for London, Revenue and Customs, the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner and the National Probation Service.

He has been instructed by the Serious Fraud Office to advise on investigations into bribery and corruption.

Richard has also advises multi-national companies in relation to allegations of bribery and corruption.

Richard defends in the Crown Court and Magistrates’ Court.  Richard regularly undertakes privately funded work defending clients charged with road traffic offences.

Health and Safety

Richard has been involved in prosecuting health and safety offences in the Crown Court and Magistrates’ Court and the Crown Court. He has previously been seconded to the Office of Rail Regulation as a legal adviser. His recent cases have concerned incidents on the railway resulting in death or serious injury. He is on the Panel of Specialist Regulatory Advocates (List C) in Health and Safety and Environmental Law.


Richard has been instructed by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner in cases involving the unlawful provision of immigration advice.

He has appeared on behalf of the Office of Rail Regulation in relation to an inquest into the death of a railway worker.

He has also appear on behalf of the Environment Agency in relation to a case involving the regulation of the waterways.


Attorney General’s B Panel of Counsel to the Crown (2019 – present). Attorney General’s C Panel of Counsel to the Crown (2015 – 2019).


Fluent in French.


University of Cambridge, MA (Hons), Law Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II, Maîtrise en droit


London Bar


Leading junior2
Richard Evans – 6KBW College Hill ‘Richard is a first-class brain.’