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Jacob Hallam KC

Jacob Hallam KC


Jake is recognised as an expert in the conduct of substantial high-profile cases involving complex areas of fact, law and public interest in the Crown Court, High Court and Court of Appeal. His ability to take control of large amounts of complex material and craft it for the purposes of trial or other litigation is well-known, as are his talents for the presentation of such evidence in a way that is comprehensive and easily-accessible. His precise and measured courtroom manner makes him a persuasive advocate. He has developed a particular reputation for the presentation of legal arguments and for being an impressive cross-examiner.

He has appeared in many of the highest profile criminal trials in the country in recent years, involving homicide, corruption in public office, historic sexual abuse, diamond robbery, cybercrime and international criminal conspiracies.

In addition to his work in the criminal courts, Jake has developed an expanding practice in family law, advisory work, judicial review, extradition, and libel law. He brings the skills he has mastered in the preparation and presentation of complex criminal cases to these wider fields, helping lay and professional clients to focus on the core issues that concern them whether that be helping to redress the effects of identity takeover or online fraud, contesting a judicial review application, or representing individuals in fact-finding hearings in the Family Court.

Before his appointment as Treasury Counsel, Jake was a grade 4 prosecutor and a member of the specialist serious crime panel. He is a member of the faculty of advocacy teachers at Gray’s Inn, of the Bar Council’s Education and Training Committee, and of the Kalisher Trust. He is a training Facilitator in Vulnerable Witness Advocacy Training.

Litigation and Appeals

Criminal litigation has been at the core of Jake’s practice since he came to the Bar. In that time, his criminal practice has developed to the level that it now exclusively involves the most complex, serious and high-profile criminal cases which are reported on the national and international stage.

He is an acknowledged expert within his field at the preparation and presentation of such cases, of identifying the key issues to be litigated, and in oral and written advocacy at the Crown Court and Court of Appeal. In the appeal courts he has developed a practice conducting appeals against sentence and conviction in cases in which he did not appear at first instance.

Jake brings that experience, and the skills he brings to that field of expertise, to other aspects of litigation and advisory work beyond the criminal sphere.

Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance

Jake has detailed knowledge of both Part One and Part Two of the Extradition Act 2003. He acts for requesting judicial authorities and governments, as well as for requested persons. He has appeared in cases at first instance and before the Administrative Court, and has a broad knowledge of the appellate process.

Human Rights

Human rights law flows through all aspects of Jake’s work, from advising on the use that can be made of information contained in documents, to the review of decisions made by a prosecuting authority, or from the rights of a person whose extradition is sought, to the use of evidence in adversarial proceedings.

International Criminal Law

Jake’s work in criminal law has led to an increased involvement in international cases, and cross-border litigation. Examples include work involving law enforcement agencies in the USA, the West Indies, South America and the Middle-East, as well as with those in Europe.

Media and Information

Jake has worked with a number of media clients for many years. He regularly advises the entertainment industry on aspects of libel law. He worked as the legal consultant for the 2021 BBC drama “Showtrial”.

Public and Administrative Law

Jake has developed a practice which includes work in public and administrative law, advising on and appearing in case of judicial review, including decisions taken by prosecuting authorities and by tribunals.

Family Law

Since taking silk, Jake has developed a practice in Family Law, bringing his skills in case analysis and cross-examination to this field. He has represented the principal party in a 2-year-long fact-finding hearing relating to an alleged paedophile ring. The case was the subject of an appeal, with leave being granted on all grounds, and a re-hearing. Ultimately no disputed findings were made against his client, and all allegations relating to child abuse were rejected by the court.


Queen’s Counsel, 2017 Recorder (Midland Circuit), January 2016 Junior Treasury Counsel to the Crown at the Central Criminal Court, 2014


Member of the Fraud Lawyers Association.


University of Cambridge, MA (Hons) History.


London Bar


Hall of fame