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Lucy Organ

Lucy Organ


Lucy is a criminal practitioner with expertise of prosecuting and defending cases right across the spectrum of offences. Between 2010 and 2014 Lucy worked as a defence attorney in the Cayman Islands where she was frequently instructed in the most serious of criminal offences appearing to Appellate level. Lucy has implemented this experience upon her return to the bar of England and Wales, establishing a practice of serious crime. She is now regularly instructed in criminal cases of the highest level.

She has notable experience of assisting in the prosecution of anti-competitive activities and in assisting companies that are the subject of investigation by the SFO and FCA.

Lucy also has experience in assisting corporate entities with internal investigations. Lucy also has experience acting as independent counsel.

Lucy is qualified to undertake direct access work and can accept instructions directl from individuals and companies.

Lucy is a member of the international association of young lawyers and recently spoke at their seminar “Legal Practice Offshore: Opportunity and Controversy” on the new offences created by the Criminal Finances Act 2017.


Lucy is very experienced in defending in the full spectrum of criminal offences

She has defended in fraud and white collar crime and represented high profile individuals charged with criminal offences. This has included advising and assisting high profile corporate clients.

Lucy has defended in high profile crime which runs the full gamut of offences including murder. She has successfully represented a number of defendants charged with rape, death by dangerous driving, attempted murder, possession of firearms and fraud. She is able to fluently deal with complicated expert evidence. She is fully trained and experienced at cross-examining young and vulnerable witnesses.

Lucy has extensive experience of appearing in the Court of Appeal both on her own and as junior counsel.

Lucy has been instructed privately in asset forfeiture and POCA proceedings. She also has experience of privately representing individuals who are charged with road traffic matters.


Lucy is a Grade 4 prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service and prosecutes a range of offences including terrorism, homicide, serious violence and sexual offences.

Lucy was junior counsel for the crown in a six-handed murder which was one of the first trials to resume at the Central Criminal Court after the “lock-down” because of the Coronavirus pandemic. She is very familiar with the consequential changes to jury trials as a result of social-distancing.

She has experience of prosecuting matters arising out of HMRC investigations.

Lucy also undertakes private prosecutions and is regularly instructed to prosecute on behalf of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner and the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority. She has also prosecuted on behalf of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.

Lucy has assisted in very large scale prosecutions. This has included advising on potential prosecutions arising out of the Hillsborough Disaster and assisting the Competition and Markets Authority in their most recent prosecution of a group of managing directors for the cartel offence under the Enterprise Act 2002.

Public Law

Lucy has acted for the Secretary of State for Transport in respect of appeals against the removal of individuals’ driving licenses.

She has also acted for the Director of Border Revenue in the First-Tier Tax Tribunal.

She also has experience of appearing in the First Tier Immigration and Asylum Tribunal.

She is currently instructed to represent the Immigration Services Commissioner in respect of an appeal against a decision to discontinue the registration of an immigration advisor. The appeal is complicated legally and factually and will occur entirely remotely over 7 days.


Lucy acts in extradition matters and has conducted full extradition hearings at Westminster Magistrates’ Court. Lucy has acted in extradition matters in the Cayman Islands. This including an incoming request for an Israeli-German citizen by Israel to the Cayman Islands.


Lucy is on the panel of prosecutors of the Bar Standards Board.

She also has experience representing doctors at the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service. Most recently she successfully represented a doctor who was unable to return to the United Kingdom for the hearing, so gave evidence via the telephone.

 Health & Safety

R v Naylor: Lucy was led by Duncan Penny QC in a trial of gross negligence manslaughter. It was alleged that an electrician was grossly negligent when installing garden lights in a public house garden which led to the death of a 7 year old.

R v Sawhney: Lucy prosecuted the owner of a guesthouse for a number of failings under the fire safety regulations ( Regulatory Reform( Fire Safety) Order 2005) in circumstances where a fire had occurred and a guest had been injured


Lucy is a grade 4 CPS prosecutor and has been recently appointed as a Treasury Counsel Monitoree. She has extensive experience prosecuting and defending homicide.

 Road Traffic

Hani Ali v DPP [ 2020] EWCA Crim 1370: Lucy appeared for the DPP in this appeal by way of case stated. The appeal raised questions as to the presumption of reliability of an alcohol breath test machine, and the burden and standard of proof to be applied when evidence of unreliability is sought to be adduced.

Olajide v Stratford Magistrates Court [2018] EWHC 2159 (Admin): Lucy represented the Crown Prosecution Service as the Interested Party in this judicial review. The Claimant argued that the prosecution had failed to comply with section 16(3)(a) of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 which deals with the admission of documentary evidence as to specimens of breath obtained by the police.

R v Piercy: Lucy defended in this case of death by dangerous driving where the issues were who was driving and whether the driving was dangerous. The defendant was convicted, but on appeal Lucy successfully argued that the expert witnesses were not in fact suitably qualified and that there was not sufficient evidence that the driving was dangerous.

 Sexual Offences

R v Barnett: Lucy defended in this case of sexual activity with a child and grooming. The child gave evidence under the section 28 YJCEA 1999 procedures and so Lucy pre-recorded the cross-examination. Lucy is trained at dealing with young and vulnerable witnesses.

R v McLaughlin: Lucy defended in this case of historic rape. This involved the cross-examination of a young and vulnerable witness


R v Ziamani and Hockton: Lucy was led by Annabel Darlow QC in this trial of two serving prisoners for the attempted murder of a prison guard. This case was tried by Mrs Justice May. Both defendants were islamic fundamentalists and the prosecution case was the offence was a terrorist attack.

R v Benboukhemis: Lucy prosecuted this Newton Hearing for a defendant who pleaded guilty to dissemination of two terrorist publications but claimed she did so recklessly, rather than intentionally.

R v Mala: Lucy was junior counsel for the Crown in this first prosecution of an individual under section 16 (1) of the Terrorism Act 2000.

R v Hussain: Lucy prosecuted the defendant for dissemination of terrorist publications.

 Fraud, bribery & corruption

R v Rufus: Lucy is instructed in this 15 million pound fraud involving FX trading.

R v Jackow and Ors: Lucy prosecuted this conspiracy to defraud. It was a large “courier fraud” in which elderly individuals were targeted.

R v Commonwealth Evaluators:Lucy was leading counsel in the prosecution of a company and individuals for running an illegal immigration law firm.

R v Ali: Lucy prosecuted this fraud, where the defendant had set up bogus charities in order to fraudulently claim gift aid.

 Judicial Review

Lucy is regular instructed by the DPP to represent him in Judicial Review proceedings as either a defendant or interested party. Lucy is instructed for the DPP in a judicial review of the decision of the police not to refer to the CPS historic allegations of rape.

Lucy has been instructed by the CPS in a number of judicial reviews of the CPS’s decision to take over and discontinue private prosecutions .Lucy is instructed for the DPP in a judicial review where the issue is whether the trial was fair because of the judge’s behaviour.

Olajide v Stratford Magistrates Court [2018] EWHC 2159 (Admin): Lucy represented the Crown Prosecution Service as the Interested Party in this judicial review. The Claimant argued that the prosecution had failed to comply with section 16(3)(a) of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 which deals with the admission of documentary evidence as to specimens of breath obtained by the police.

R.( El Gizouli v Secretary of State for the Home Department):Lucy was instructed by the GLS to deal with the duty of candour disclosure process in this high profile judicial review of the Home Secretary’s decision to provide mutual assistance to the United States without an assurance that the death penalty would not be imposed.


Lucy has experience assisting businesses in matters of licensing. This includes special treatment premises.


Called 2006.


Member of the Criminal Bar Assocation. Member of the Young Fraud Lawyers Association. Member of the Fraud Lawyers Association. Member of the International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA


University of Cambridge, MA (Hons), History.


London Bar


Leading junior3
Lucy Organ – 6KBW College Hill ‘Lucy is first-rate barrister. She is fair and pragmatic as a prosecutor, but with a forensic attention to detail. Her advocacy is persuasive, but always calm and controlled.'