David Perry KC > Chambers of Simon Denison KC > London, England > Barrister Profile

Chambers of Simon Denison KC
6KBW College Hill


Legal 500 describes David as “in the very highest rank” in this field.He has appeared in most of the important criminal appeals of recent years and is regularly instructed to appear in the Supreme Court, Privy Court and Court of Appeal. As a former Treasury Counsel, he acted in a wide range of high profile criminal trials.

David also appears in the criminal courts of Hong Kong, the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, Gibraltar and Northern Ireland. He frequently acts on behalf of the United Kingdom government in cases before the European Court of Human Rights.

David is regularly instructed in relation to overseas bribery and corruption investigations into house-hold name companies. He continues to enjoy the confidence of individuals and corporates in some of the most important and demanding cases currently being investigated. David represented Rolls-Royce in the deferred prosecution agreement proceedings and has advised other household names from the manufacturing, pharmaceutical and financial services sectors in respect of allegations of corruption and other aspects of business crime.

David has acted on behalf of many overseas governments and appeared in the High Court, House of Lords and Supreme Court in the leading cases. He has acted as an expert consultant to the Commonwealth Secretariat on international co-operation and has advised overseas governments on the drafting and implementation of their domestic legislation.

In 2012, together with Lord Justice Scott Baker and Anand Doobay, David was appointed to conduct the Home Office’s Independent Review of the UK’s extradition arrangements. The review formed the basis of changes to the Extradition Act 2003.


He frequently appears in proceedings by way of judicial review on behalf of claimants and defendants.

David has appeared in a number of high profile inquests and has also appeared in shipping inquiries. He has advised the Government in relation to a number of public inquiries in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Called 1980. Standing Counsel to the Department for Trade and Industry 1991; Junior Treasury Counsel 1997; Senior Treasury Counsel 2001; Deputy High Court Judge 2003; Appointed Queen’s Counsel 2006.

Lawyer Rankings

London Bar > Proceeds of crime (POCA) and asset forfeiture

(Leading Silks)Ranked: Tier 1

David Perry KC6KBW College Hill ‘David has encyclopedic knowledge on all areas of POCA and asset forfeiture, supreme intellect, extraordinary judgement and is exceptionally hardworking; he is truly a master in this field.’

Criminal set 6KBW College Hill is considered ‘one of the top white collar and corporate crime sets in the country‘ with ‘universally excellent counsel‘ in the field of proceeds of crime. The set is particularly experienced in overseas applications and has acted in multi-million pound restraint and forfeiture applications from, among others, Egypt, Denmark, Finland and Kuwait. In this vein, David Perry KC is acting for the CPS in the case of Sarah Panitzke, described in the press as “the UK’s most wanted woman”, who is serving an eight-year sentence for money laundering offences and has an outstanding confiscation order of £2.5m. Jonathan Hall KC represented the National Crime Agency in R (Gater) v Westminster Magistrates Court, a judicial review by the former head of Russia’s Alfa-Bank concerning an account freezing order – one of the first cases to consider possible breaches of sanctions against Russian individuals after its 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

London Bar > International crime and extradition

(Leading Silks)Ranked: Tier 2

David Perry KC6KBW College Hill ‘Very knowledgeable; good to work with; has a real command of the detail, but keeps the overall picture in mind.’

6KBW College Hill‘s David Perry KC is instructed to represent a person charged with money laundering and drug offenses in USA v Palionnijs, while Ben Lloyd is representing the defendant in Italy v Reisenauer, concerning a man who was arrested at Heathrow Airport on charges of human trafficking and sex exploitation. Lloyd was also instructed by the Crown Prosecution Service in a case involving two requests from the government of India for the extradition of alleged arms dealer Sanjay Bhandari. Richard Evans acted for the US government in Lazo v USA, where the requested person was wanted in the US in relation to drug trafficking allegations.

London Bar > Business and regulatory crime (including global investigations)

(Leading Silks)Ranked: Tier 1

David Perry KC6KBW College HillIncredibly knowledgeable and perceptive. Gets right to the heart of the issue. Very good with clients.

6KBW College Hill is regularly instructed to prosecute as well as defend across a variety of high-profile and sensitive corporate crime matters, including complex financial crime, criminal fraud, bribery and corruption, and fields ‘some of the leading barristers in the country with expertise at all levels‘. For example, David Perry KC defended the ferry operator P&O from a criminal investigation by the Insolvency Service in relation to the high-profile mass redundancies in March 2022.