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Lee Reynolds

Lee Reynolds


Lee was called to the Bar in 2002. He specialises in regulatory criminal law and Fraud. He particularly specialises in MTIC frauds and has appeared in cases such as Operation Bridging and Forbear (£180m MTIC fraud). He represents local authorities across England and Wales prosecuting serious cases of fraud, intellectual property abuse, animal welfare, health and safety and a variety of other area prosecuted by local counclls. He is Panel counsel for the Health and Safety Executive and has prosecuted for the Serious and Organised Crime Office, Illegal Money Lending Unit, Scambusters and the Welsh Assembly Government. He is frequently involved in advising individuals and companies on ‘due diligence’ systems, and has experience advising local authorities on case management, preparation and prosecution. Regular areas of work include the 1994 Trade Marks Act, prosecuting one of Wales’s largest cases concerning conspiracy to sell counterfeit merchandise; the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008; food and food safety, including the prosecution of large supermarkets on behalf of numerous local authorities for food safety, food labelling, pricing and other consumer protection offences. Lee has developed a specialism in matters under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, including money laundering, and regularly lectures to local authorities and solicitors concerning the same. He is also experienced in civil recovery cases.


Called 2002; Gray’s Inn.


Cardiff University (2000 2(1)); BVC (2001).


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