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Kate Strange

Kate Strange

1 Hare Court, London


Kate is a financial remedies specialist with extensive experience of matrimonial finance, TLATA and Schedule 1 claims at every stage of proceedings. She is also frequently instructed in private children matters. She often appears in complex multi-day trials, and has appeared in the High Court, including on appeal.

Kate frequently lectures on new developments in matrimonial finance. She has a particular interest in the developing caselaw on MCA 1973 s25(2)(g) conduct claims.

Kate joined chambers in October 2019, having completed her pupillage under the supervision of Richard Sear KC, Tom Carter and Katherine Cook. Prior to this, she worked as a paralegal to the head of the Family Law department in a top-ranked firm. She also volunteered at a number of legal charities during her studies, advising members of the public on a wide range of issues including housing, divorce and debt, and appearing in the Social Security tribunal.


Call 2018


BA English Literature, University of Oxford GDL, City Law School BPTC, BPP Law School Queen Mother Scholar, Middle Temple (2016 and 2017) Maitland Prize Winner (2016) City GDL Moot Winner (2017) BPP Advocacy Scholar (2017) Rosamund Smith Moot Finalist (2018)


Kate is an avid theatre goer, enthusiastic cook, and keen traveller, having previously taught English as a foreign language in both Hong Kong and Japan. Her latest adventures have included visiting California as a guest of Pepperdine Law School, Malibu, and road tripping through the Deep South.