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Roxane Reiser

Roxane Reiser

1 Hare Court, London


Roxane is a financial remedy practitioner with a particular expertise in jurisdiction and enforcement disputes. Roxane’s cases typically involve assets held overseas, assets held in trust or via corporate entities. Roxane appears in cases heard up to High Court level, led and in her own right.

Many of her cases have international elements. She was called to the Geneva Bar in 2018 and has appeared before courts in the French speaking part of Switzerland on several occasions. She regularly advises on Swiss family law and related Swiss private client matters.

Roxane features in the 2024 Citywealth Top 100 International Power Women Leaders list.

Notable cases:

JK v LM [2024] EWHC 1442 (Fam) HRH Haya Bint Al Hussein v HH Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum [2021] EWFC 94


July 2024 – Financial Remedies Journal, “Proving Foreign Law in Financial Remedy Proceedings” 2020 to date – FLBA Family Law Affairs Magazine, author of the International Update September 2022 – International Family Law Journal, issue 4, ‘Dealing with Swiss assets in financial remedy proceedings’ May 2021 – Family Law Week “Anglo-Swiss Divorce Proceedings Post Brexit: Part 2 – Recognition and Enforcement of financial orders” March 2021 – Family Law Week ‘Anglo-Swiss Divorce Proceedings Post-Brexit: Part 1 – Divorce recognition’ September 2020 – Resolution, The Review, Issue 207, “Cross-border Q&As on International Nuptial Agreements.” March 2020 – Family Law Week, “Recognition of financial remedy orders in Switzerland” January 2020 – Schulthess, IusNet Newsletter, « Les ‘Financial Remedy Orders’ anglais et leur exécution en Suisse sous l’angle de la Convention de Lugano : de la collaboration internationale absolument indispensable : Réflexions à propos de l’arrêt TF 5A_104/2019 du 13 décembre 2019. », Anne Reiser & Roxane Reiser. December 2019 – FLBA Family Affairs Magazine “Divorce in Switzerland”. March 2019 – International Business Law Journal, “Expert witnesses in international arbitration/ Les experts dans l’arbitrage international”, Laurent Hirsh, Rupert Reece & Roxane Reiser.


Call 2017


Roxane is fluent in French and German. She has a good command of Spanish.


Inner Temple Ordre des Avocats de Genève AIJA Association des Juristes Franco-Britanniques


St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, BA Jurisprudence, Law and German Law – First Class (2011-2015) David Blank Scholarship – awarded by St. Catherine’s College for outstanding performance in first-year examinations and continued performance towards a Frist Class degree (2012-2015) University of Konstanz, Germany, German Law (2013-2014) New York University School of Law, L.L.M (2015-2016) BPTC (2016-2017)


London Bar

Family: divorce and financial remedy

Rising star1
Roxane Reiser – 1 Hare Court ‘Roxane is always brilliantly prepared. She combines this prodigious work ethic with a composed manner and cool intellect. She has a fantastic tactical brain.'