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Georgina Howitt

Georgina Howitt

1 Hare Court, London


Georgina specialises in dealing with the financial consequences of relationship breakdown. She also welcomes instructions in relation to jurisdiction disputes, private children matters and Family Law Act disputes.

Georgina is an experienced trial advocate. Since joining chambers in 2017, she has undertaken multiple trials up to High Court level, both on her own and led by Silks. Her trial experience means that she is well-placed to advise and represent clients in relation to negotiated settlements; and, where required, to advocate for clients at a final determination.

Georgina enjoys cases of complexity. She has particular experience dealing with allegations of serious non-disclosure, where financial tracing is required; assets that are held offshore and/or in company/trust structures; and expert valuation evidence. She is interested in cases with an international dimension, especially cases which proceed under Part III following a foreign divorce. She is knowledgeable about all enforcement mechanisms (including contempt proceedings) and keeps a keen eye on enforceability throughout.

Georgina represents clients at all stages of court proceedings and in alternative dispute resolution. She can also be instructed as a Private FDR Judge.

Notable cases:

XW v XH [2019] EWCA Civ 2262 led by Martin Pointer KC and Rebecca Carew Pole AW v AH and others [2020] EWFC 22 led by Deborah Bangay KC Bailey v Bailey (Committal) [2022] EWFC 5


Called 2016