8 New Square Intellectual Property

Jaani Riordan
- Phone020 7505 4321
- Email[email protected]
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- Profilewww.8newsquare.co.uk
Junior with technical background in computer science and expertise in all fields of intellectual property, media and IT disputes. Particular experience in disputes involving the internet, telecoms, cybersecurity and AI. Author of leading textbook on intermediary liability. Regularly instructed in website blocking orders, interim injunctions, jurisdiction disputes, and IP/licensing arbitrations. Recent cases include: Warner Music v TuneIn [2021] EWCA Civ 441 (copyright); Facebook v Voxer [2021] EWHC 1377 (video streaming patent); Insulet v Roche [2021] EWHC 1933 (medical device patent); Apple v Swatch [2021] EWHC 719 (trade marks); TOT v Vodafone [2021] EWHC 46 (trade secrets; jurisdiction); Wheat v Google [2020] EWHC 27 (jurisdiction); SEL v BDL [2020] EWHC 2004 (IT contract damages inquiry).
Called 2012 (England and Wales); Lincoln’s Inn. Admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria and High Court of Australia in 2009. Practised as an IP/technology litigation solicitor in a top-tier corporate law firm in Australia. Also lectured in contract, trusts and copyright law at University of Oxford. Publications of note include practitioners’ text ‘The Liability of Internet Intermediaries’ (Oxford University Press, 2016); contributing author to ‘Laddie, Prescott and Vitoria: The Modern Law of Copyright’ (5th ed, 2018).
Intellectual Property Bar Association; Chancery Bar Association; Anglo-Australasian Lawyers’ Society; Worshipful Company of Stationers.
Magdalen College, Oxford (2012, DPhil Law, Clarendon Scholar, Oxford Australia Scholar). University of Melbourne (2007 Bachelor of Laws, top 1st); University of Melbourne (2007, Bachelor of Computer Science, 1st).
Music (violin), opera, photography.