33 Bedford Row

Nussrat Bashir
Nussrat has transferred to the Bar with over 20 years of legal experience. She qualified as a Solicitor in 2004 and has since specialised in proceedings relating to children, working in-house for a Local Authority as a Senior Solicitor and then as a Senior Associate Solicitor in private practice representing parents, Guardians, other relatives and older children directly. She was a member of the Law Society’s Children Panel between 2008 and 2022.
Nussrat was the Principal Legal Advisor to Adoption Panel during her time with the Local Authority advising on national and international adoption matters.
She has extensive experience of dealing with complex children’s proceedings including care proceedings involving serious injuries, sexual and emotional abuse, fabricated illness and neglect. She has also represented Guardians in complex private law proceedings.
In addition to care proceedings, Nussrat has represented the Local Authority, parents and Guardians in applications for Secure Accommodation Orders, Deprivation of Liberty Orders, Forced Marriage Protection Orders, Female Genital Mutilation Protection Orders and International Child Abduction cases under the Hague Convention.
Nussrat has conducted her own advocacy since qualifying as a Solicitor.