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Gregory Hill

Gregory Hill


Barrister in general Chancery practice, whose emphasis is on advisory work and dispositive drafting; areas of practice include conveyancing (title, easements, covenants, options, land registration); securities (mortgages and debentures: documentation and realisation); landlord and tenant (rent review, business tenancies, long leases); settlements and trusts (drafting, interpretation, administration of estates); company law and corporate insolvency.


ICSL 1971-72; called 1972; conveyancing counsel of the Court (appointed 2007); publications of note: editor of sections on mortgages and debentures in Butterworths ‘Encyclopaedia of Banking Law’; contributed paper ‘Risks in Secured Lending’ to ‘Banks, Liability and Risk’ (ed Ross Cranston, 1990); co-author of ‘Land Registration Act 2002’ in Butterworths’ New Law Guide Series; contributor to Butterworths Banking Law Guide (2006); occasional journal articles, including Note on Law of Property (Misc Prov) Act 1989, as affecting securities over land, in (1990) 106 LQR 396.

Cases include: Re D (J) [1982] CH 237 (Court of Protection, ‘statutory will’); Webber v Halifax BS [1985] 1 EGLR 58 (Ch D, rent review); Mace Builders (Glasgow) Ltd v Lunn [1987] Ch 191 (CA, realisation of floating charge during hardening period); Re Exchange Travel [1993] BCLC 887 (CH D, terms of administrators’ discharge on appointment of liquidators); Re Macro (Ipswich) Ltd [1994] 2 BCLC 354, and associated litigation (Ch D and CA, Companies Act 1985 s. 459; effect of pre-emption Articles; validity of share valuation); Armitage v Nurse & ors [1998] Ch 241 (CA, validity and effect of trustee exoneration clause in trust deed); Patel v Shah [2005] EWCA Civ 157, [2005] WTLR 359 (CA, laches and resulting trust); Stroude v Beazer [2005] EWCA Civ 265 (CA, admissibility of evidence); Stroude v Beazer [2005] EWHC 2686 (Ch) (ChD, performance of concurrent obligations).Hughes v Bourne [2012] EWHC 2232 (Ch), [2012] WTLR 1333: Saunders v Vautier; exercise of trustes’ power of appropriation; interpretation of share transfer provisions in private company’s Articles of Association.


Chancery Bar Association; Property Bar Association.


Weston super Mare Grammar School for Boys; Exeter College, Oxford (1970 BA Jurisprudence 1st; 1971 BCL 1st).