Ten Old Square

Simon Taube KC
- Phone020 7405 0758
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Work Department
Private Client: Trusts and Probate, Private Client: Personal Tax, Charities
Barrister specialising in Chancery work (both litigation and advisory work) with special expertise in the fields of trusts, estates and tax, professional negligence, partnership, charity, real property, Inheritance Act claims;
Qualified 1980, Middle Temple and Lincoln’s Inn; QC 2000.
Important cases include: Dawson-Damer v Taylor Wessing [2017] EWCA Civ 74, [2015] EWHC 2366: Data Protection Act and trusts; Davidson v Seelig [2016]: Protector’s powers and court’s trust jurisdiction; Crociani v Crociani and others [2014] UKPC 40: contentious breach of trust claim; Re Nina Wang [2014] HKCA: charitable trust and company law; The Warburg Institute [2014]; construction of trust deed; Re: The Law Society [2014]; Buzzoni v HMRC [2013] CA: HT and unjust enrichment; Labrouche v Frey [2012] CA: breach of trust, abuse of process; In the Matter of the A Trust [2012] Bermuda: trust jurisdiction clauses; A-G’s Poverty Reference [2011] public benefit in charity; Fattal v Walbrook [2010] trustee exoneration clause.
Chancery Bar Association; Revenue Bar Association; STEP.
Westminster School; Merton College, Oxford (1978 Modern History 1st); Diploma in Law.
Singing, tennis.