
Daniel Lightman KC

Daniel Lightman KC

Serle Court, London


As part of a broad Chancery-Commercial practice, Daniel Lightman KC often engages with challenging and novel issues of law and civil procedure, in particular concerning shareholder disputes, company law (including in matrimonial proceedings), insolvency, civil fraud, breach of fiduciary duty and professional negligence.

Recent significant cases include: Re Klimvest plc [2023] 1 BCLC 388; In re BHS Group Ltd (in liquidation) [2022] Bus LR 1510; Taylor Goodchild Ltd v Taylor [2022] 2 BCLC 27; Re Prospect Place (Wimbledon) Management Co Ltd [2022] BCC 1176; King v Stiefel [2022] 1 All ER (Comm) 990; and Re Dinglis Properties Ltd [2021] 1 All ER 685.


Called to the Bar 1995. Queen's Counsel 2016.


ACTAPS, Chancery Bar Association, COMBAR, Family Law Bar Association, Insolvency Lawyers’ Association and PNBA.


BA Lit. Hum. (First Class), Magdalen College, Oxford; Dip. Law (Distinction), City University, London. Hardwicke, Mansfield and Denning Scholar of Lincoln's Inn.  Co-author of Cricket Grounds from the Air (2nd Ed. 2010).
