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Jack Mitchell

Jack Mitchell


Jack undertakes all employment/discrimination cases including injunctive relief, sport including internal investigations. Recent highlights include: Royal Mail v Jhuti [2017] EWCA Civ 1632 (scheduled for Appeal to the Supreme Court) an important whistleblowing case; Ali v New College Manchester Ltd UKEAT/0154/15/DM, 27 February 2017 concerning causation and constructive knowledge in disability discrimination; Sheredes School Governing Body v Davies UKEAT/0196/16/JOJ, 13 September 2016 considering time limits when a firm is intervened. Agbenowossi-Koffi v Donvand Ltd (t/a Gullivers Travel Associates) [2014] EWCA Civ 855, CA, Jack represented the Respondant from the Tribunal through to the CA, succeeding at each stage.



Co-author, Whistleblowing: law and practice, OUP (first edition, second edition and third edition 2017). "Whistleblowing law: a new playing field" World Sports Advocate June 2018. "Is Whistleblowing in Sport fit for purpose?" Law in Sport, 2017. "Whistleblowing in Sport", World Sport Advocate, 13 April 2017. For Lexis PSL, “The doctrine of res judicata - overview”; “The doctrine of res judicata”; “Key requirements to establish a res judicata”; “Cause of action estoppel”; “Issue estoppel”; “Res judicata and Henderson abuse”; “The doctrine of merger in judgment” and “Res judicata and foreign judgments”.




South Eastern Circuit • Regional Bar


Leading junior2
Jack Mitchell – Old Square Chambers 'Jack is exceptional on his feet. He is polite and charming, which disarms opponents. He is ridiculously thorough in his prep and makes instructing solicitors feel completely at ease that their case is in safe hands.'
Western Circuit • Regional Bar


Leading junior1
Jack Mitchell – Old Square Chambers 'Jack is an excellent advocate and brings real gravitas to any court or tribunal he appears in.'
London Bar


Leading junior2
Jack Mitchell – Old Square Chambers 'He is an authority on whistleblowing claims. He is personable, gives his clients confidence and reasonable on his feet.'