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Oliver Segal KC

Oliver Segal KC

Work Department

Employment, litigation (commercial).


Oliver is regarded as a leading Silk in employment law and acts regularly for large commercial clients and for most of the major trade unions. Within employment law he has particular specialist experience in: industrial action (appearing for the successful trade unions in the Court of Appeal cases of RMT v Serco Ltd and GTR Southern v ASLEF); collective disputes (recently appeared for the successful appellants in the Supreme Court in Hartley & Ors v King Edward VI College, a case which concerned the amount of money which could be lawfully withheld from the pay of teachers on strike; for the successful claimants in Court of Appeal in Anderson & ors v London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority; and for successful claimants in the recent Court of Appeal case of Abrahall v Nottingham City Council); breach of contract claims (including claims involving restrictive covenants, PHI and negligent references (appearing for the successful claimant in the Court of Appeal case of Gibb v Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust); discrimination claims (appeared for Respondent in Court of Appeal in recent case of Unite v Nailard); Working Time and TUPE claims.

Oliver is also the leading barrister within the field of Commercial Agency claims; he acts for both agents and principals and has appeared in several of the most important reported cases, including the House of Lords case of Lonsdale v Howard and Hallam Ltd, the recent Court of Appeal case Software Incubator Ltd v Computer Associates Ltd and the recent High Court cases of ARSM v Typhoo Tea Ltd, and Nagel v Pluczenik. Recent work: Instructed in appeal from Nagel v Pluczenik – listed in CA October 2018.


Corpus Christi College, Oxford (1981-85). School Oriental and African Studies, University. London (1985-86). Called 1992, Middle Temple; QC 2011. Mediator




Tiffin Boys’ School; Corpus Christi College, Oxford (1985 BA Hons).


Expert bridge player and writer.


London Bar


Leading silk1
Oliver Segal KC – Old Square Chambers 'A silk with complete mastery of facts and law.'