1GC | Family Law
Emily Verity
- Phone020 7797 7900
- Email[email protected]
- Profile1gc.com
Called in 2003, Emily has a reputation for keen attention to detail, forensic cross-examination and a sensitive approach with vulnerable clients. Experienced in complex child protection cases, Emily represents local authorities, parents or children via their guardians. Emily has been instructed in cases involving radicalisation, sexual abuse, non accidental or inflicted injury, mental health issues, violence, drug and alcohol misuse and foreign elements, in county court and High Court. Emily has also represented parents in private law proceedings, particularly where there are allegations of harm or parental alienation.
Emily advises on Human Rights Act applications arising from family proceedings, and alleged deprivation of liberty, special guardianship, placement or relocation of children overseas, foreign adoptions, judicial review of local authority decisions and forced marriages. Local Authority instructions: she has represented parents accused of inflicting injury, with learning difficulty/disability and those who lack capacity, as well as those with addictions and cases with an international element. She also deals with cases involving residence or contact disputes to a high level.
Emily has a strong background in criminal law, having practiced this to a high level earlier in her career. She specialised in sexual offences and cases involving children. This practice lends support to her family work given the frequent overlap in issues between the jurisdictions.
Year of Call: 2003
CPS Prosecutor Grade 4 (most senior before KC) since 2018
Gray's Inn advocacy trainer since 2018
Rape and Sexual Offences List of prosecutors since 2013
Pupil Supervisor since 2011
Junior of South Eastern Circuit since 2010
Prior to 2010:
Elected South Eastern Circuit executive committee
Elected Young Fraud Lawyers Association committee
Attorney General’s List of Prosecuting Counsel
Gray’s Inn Student Affairs Committee Member
South Eastern Circuit
Arbitration - currently training with CIArb
Bar Vocational Course Inns of Court School of Law
CPE City University, London
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences with Japanese, the University of Edinburgh