1GC | Family Law
Eleri Jones
- Phone020 7797 7900
- Email[email protected]
Eleri practises in both private children and family finance cases, including financial provision for children and associated cohabitation disputes (see Schedule 1 reported case of O v P (Jurisdiction Under Children Act 1989 Sch 1) [2012] 1 FLR 329). A significant amount of Eleri’s work has an international element. Eleri is frequently asked to advise upon the international aspects of both children and divorce/financial work, including questions of jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement. Eleri is known for her particular expertise and specialisation advising upon the operation of the Maintenance Regulation, Brussels IIa and the 2007, 1996 and 1980 Hague Conventions (see reported cases of Re H (Children) (Jurisdiction: Habitual residence) [2014] EWCA Civ 1101 and AR v RN (Habitual Residence) [2015 UKSC 35). Eleri’s work in the international arena also extends to surrogacy work (see recent published case of Y and Z v W and X [2017] EWFC 60).
Eleri is a member of an EU Law working group of international family law considering the possibilities for reform of UK family law as a result of Brexit. Eleri also sits on the Resolution International Committee.
Called 2009 Middle Temple.
Publications of note: author of ‘Brexit and Family Law’ (commissioned by IAFL, FLBA and Resolution); co-author of 1GC’s book, ‘Applications under Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989’; co-author of ‘DIY Divorce and Separation, The Expert Guide To Representing Yourself’; past contributor to division on family breakdown for Butterworths’ Civil Court Precedents; Wasted costs orders against non-parties – HP v PB [2013] EWHC 1956 (Fam), legal analysis interview for Lexis®PSL Family on 22 July 2013; Re B (A Child) – Social Engineering or Proportionate Response to Risk of Future Harm? (Family Law Week, June 2013); The 1996 Hague Convention: The Fourth Dimension (Family Law Week, November 2012); All Bark and No Bite? Enforcement in Private Child Disputes, Key Authorities in Family Law, December 2011; The New Maintenance Regulation: A Guide for Family Lawyers, (Family Law Week, June 2011).
Lectures and Seminars: Regular seminars in relation to the Maintenance Regulation and Brexit; visiting lecturer at King’s College London for the Masters in Domestic and International Child Studies from 2012 to 2014; seminar on conference skills to students of the BPTC at Kaplan Law School, London in both 2012 and 2013.
English, German and basic French.
Family Law Bar Association
Middle Temple
University of Cambridge, MA (Cantab) including Erasmus Scholarship (Regensburg, Germany), Astbury Scholarship (Middle Temple).