Region Area


Alexander Williams

Oriel Chambers, North West

Work Department

Commercial, Employment, Inquests, PI, Civil


2004:                  Called to the Bar

2004 - present:          Oriel Chambers (self-employed barrister)

2019 - present:            Deputy District Judge (Civil / Business & Property Court)

2007 - 2023:              Attorney-General’s Civil Panel


Northern Circuit Commercial Bar Association Employment Law Bar Association


Alexander has 20 years of experience in civil litigation and employment disputes.  He has appeared before the Court of Appeal, in the High Court Chancery and Queens Bench Divisions and Employment Tribunals and is instructed in matters up to and including multi-million pound disputes.

He has an excellent client manner and an ability to see complex problems through a practical lens. Professional and lay clients find him clear, informative and reassuringly easy to work with.

Commercial / Insolvency: Contract disputes - Directors’ disqualification - Partnership disputes - Debt recovery - Sale of goods and services – Guarantees and indemnities – Corporate Insolvency – Personal Insolvency – Consumer Credit dispute - Costs

Alexander practices in most areas of commercial and insolvency law. He understands the commercial realities of his clients and delivers clear, business-relevant analysis and advice. His attention to detail and light touch with clients allows him to get to the heart of the issue and guide them through complex disputes and difficult areas of law.

He sits as a Deputy District Judge in the Business & Property Court.

Employment: Unfair dismissal – Discrimination – Reasonable Adjustments – Harassment – Trade Union disputes - TUPE – Pension loss claims

Alexander deals with all manner of discrimination, unfair dismissal, trade union disputes, TUPE and pension loss claims. Aligned with his Tribunal experience, he has appeared in the Court of Appeal on the interpretation of national collective agreements between union and employer – George v Ministry of Justice [2013] EWCA Civ 324.

Inquests: Article 2 inquests – Deaths in custody – Mental health inpatients – Notifiable diseases Alexander is a highly experienced inquest advocate  with over a decade of experience representing NHS Trusts, Police Forces and state bodies in Article 2 and medical negligence inquests across the country. He represents the interests of families in inquests touching upon asbestos-related deaths.

He brings to bear a knowledgeable, grounded and sensitive approach, with a strong grasp of systems, policies and procedures in police and healthcare settings.

Personal Injury / Asbestos Litigation: Personal Injury – Fatal Accidents – Asbestos litigation – Conflict of laws – Periodical payments orders – Capacity/Patients – JSMs - Court of Protection

Alexander undertakes personal injury work from fast-track up to high value brain injury claims. He has particular knowledge of issues arising from a lack of capacity and periodical payments orders in high value claims. His work encompasses historic asbestos exposure, employers’ liability, extra-territorial claims and Fatal Accidents Act claims.

Notable cases: Cox v Ministry of Justice (first instance and Court of Appeal - [2014] EWCA Civ 132)

Malicious Prosecution / False Imprisonment: False imprisonment – Malicious prosecution – Misfeasance in public office – Human Rights Act claims – Harassment – Assault/Battery – Data Protection

Alexander has extensive experience of defending institutions of the state and office-holders, including police forces and the CPS. He is well-versed in Human Rights law, both in public law and private law contexts.  He has represented numerous organisations in Data Protection Act / misuse of private information claims.


Pembroke College, Cambridge.