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Sandra Folkes

Sandra Folkes


An experienced Barrister of many years who initially practiced in Crime, then for many years Housing (representing Local Authorities and Tenants) and Immigration.



Called to the Bar in 1989.

An experienced Barrister of many years who initially practiced in Crime, then for many years Housing (representing Local Authorities and Tenants) and Immigration. All these disciplines have assisted greatly in a deeper understanding of Family Law. In particular, Sandra has experience in private law proceedings, care proceedings which encompass, the whole spectrum of Neglect, Emotional harm, Mental health, Drugs, Sexual Abuse, NAI, Adoption, Wardship, Child Abduction. Human Rights. Representing Local Authorities, Parents, Grandparents, Children’s Guardians, and the Official Solicitor in care proceedings.

She has had high rates of success as an advocate for local authorities.

Sandra now specialises in criminal prosecutions including non-regulatory work. Cases have included section 18 GBH (catastrophic injuries), having firearms with intent, false imprisonment, mortgage fraud, perverting the course of justice and arson.


Family Bar Association Lincoln’s Inn
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